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Hello, I'm on Blue Server, I was doing the Power Plant Hoenn to continue the "subway" quest in the area, but I got to a part where, after Wattson ask me to find 2 pokemon in the Plant (Minum and Plusle), I go back, I find them and then I go back to talk to him, he turns to me but my character get stuck and no conversation window is displayed or opened, and I can't move, I can only use mouse actions and, in order to move again I have to relog.


The same happened with a trainer in some route in Hoenn trying to battle me but no conversation or interaction window was displayed and I got stuck.


Help please!


Status: Unresolved.

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Hello... yes indeed that stuck issue happened a week after hoenn is released... but later its fixed, but yes we got stuck again if we talk to wattson after put plusle and minun recently...


There are something that may help, first talk to police officer on pc he will ask you to go ask wattson, after that go back to wattson (you might get stuck again)... if you get stuck try to relogging and ask him again...


this usually will work after you talk to him and relogging around 5x

but dont worry everything will be fine and you can continue your transmat system quest after :Smile:

199966 Hello... yes indeed that stuck issue happened a week after hoenn is released... but later its fixed, but yes we got stuck again if we talk to wattson after put plusle and minun recently...


There are something that may help, first talk to police officer on pc he will ask you to go ask wattson, after that go back to wattson (you might get stuck again)... if you get stuck try to relogging and ask him again...


this usually will work after you talk to him and relogging around 5x

but dont worry everything will be fine and you can continue your transmat system quest after :Smile:


When you say "pc" you mean Petalburg City?

Nevermind, I guess you meant "Pokecenter"... so I repeatedly did what you said more than 5 times and it didn't work, what did work was.. right after relogging, talking to Wattson as soon as map loads spawned the conversation window.

This way I was able to continue the quest. I will still leave the bug status to this post until it is confirmed to be fixed, thank you for your help!

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