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do i need a super rod to catch shellder in olivine city?



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PRO Username: tzrekjad

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Hi im in olivine city fishing for shellder, in game it indicates that shellder does not need a rod to be fished in that location. However everyone says that you must fish for shellder or it wont appear, which one of these statements is true?




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202138 PRO Username: tzrekjad

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No

On which server issue happened: RED


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Hi im in olivine city fishing for shellder, in game it indicates that shellder does not need a rod to be fished in that location. However everyone says that you must fish for shellder or it wont appear, which one of these statements is true?




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Greetings. You don't need a rod if it isn't explicitely shown on the map spawn list. Anyhow, you can possibly catch each Pokemon that requires surfing via rod aswell.


As for other locations, Shellder requires a Super Rod, like Staryu or Qwilfish.

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