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Love island unavailable

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Well, i think all is in the title, I was on love island yesterday, and now when I try to speak with the "love sailor" at Vermillion, he says "Currently i'm not allowed to take people to love island."

I know it happens to other players, and I'm not sure if the staff is aware of this, that's all.

Thanks for your time :)

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

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204130 Well, i think all is in the title, I was on love island yesterday, and now when I try to speak with the "love sailor" at Vermillion, he says "Currently i'm not allowed to take people to love island."

I know it happens to other players, and I'm not sure if the staff is aware of this, that's all.

Thanks for your time :)

Maybe the preannounced renewal of the Love Island is actually happening.

From 2015: I'm still here

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204133Maybe the preannounced renewal of the Love Island is actually happening.

Oh i was unnaware of that, thanks i'm gonna read that right away :D

Some months ago, some staff member said Love Island would have received a revamp in the future. I remember it clearly.

Obviosuly, due to the absence of announcement, it's obvious it could be everything, and so maybe the revamp I am imagining is just something not true.


We will see :Grin:

From 2015: I'm still here

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204143 due to the absence of announcement, it's obvious it could be everything, and so maybe the revamp I am imagining is just something not true.

Yeah, i just search a bit in announcement to discover there was no thread about it, i'd like enlightment from the staff about love island...

Thanks anyway

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

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205220 Well, it is confirmed that love island is being reworked, but no consistant info in matter of time and about features, reason, size of the rework from the staff...

It is indeed being reworked. However, we can't give any ETA on when will it re-open. We're trying to do the best for our players, so we don't want to give ourselves deadlines that we might not meet, which might result in incomplete works. So please be patient for now.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper Forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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208825 we don't want to give ourselves deadlines that we might not meet, which might result in incomplete works.

I understand your position, and i agree with the "no deadline" since it's not needed.

I also trust the staff as i really appreciate what you're doing, but i think an announcment on reworks like the love island's one would be cool, just to say why are you reworking it (maybe you had a great improvement idea, or something does not go like intended...), and if it's a small rework, or a big one (no need for dead lines)... you know people like to be informed even it's not precise :D !

So that's it, thanks for answering, and thanks for the work you're doing on this game :3

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

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205220 Well, it is confirmed that love island is being reworked, but no consistant info in matter of time and about features, reason, size of the rework from the staff...

It is indeed being reworked. However, we can't give any ETA on when will it re-open. We're trying to do the best for our players, so we don't want to give ourselves deadlines that we might not meet, which might result in incomplete works. So please be patient for now.

i went to the sailor in vermilion city, right after oak told me about love island, but all the sailor said was i need to love my pokemon from when they were babies. is there a new set of requirements now?

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