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Max Guild Slots


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32971 Personally, I think around 40 players is a good & fair number to really feel like a 'guild', guilds having a low amount of slots will allow us to have many different guilds & it'll also help balancing any future GvG events.

But, having few extra slots is still not a bad idea tho I prefer making it a harder to get, like what @[ref]Synapse[/ref] suggested lvl based system sounds good or making something where all guild members will contribute on doing it (like what @[ref]Miles[/ref] suggested) .

True 40 limit for GvG is good/fair but some players may be unactive like 2-3 weeks because of their lifetime busy' If we can't have max slots then I'll feel bad kicking them out who haven't get on so much but uwu meh oh well~ yeah their ideas are good.

p.s. nice signature too bad i cant hear their music :Shocked: *click with my gamer mouse

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