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SS Anne Black Out Spawn Glitch


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While on the SS Anne portion of Kanto, I lost to a fellow player, however when I blacked out I was sent not to my room on the SS Anne, but the Cerulean City Pokemon Center. Not sure whether this will affect the overall game script as I got frustrated by how far I was spawned and stopped playing, but hopefully this isn't a sequence break of some sort.

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207732 Admins you can delete/close this if this has already been reported.


While on the SS Anne portion of Kanto, I lost to a fellow player, however when I blacked out I was sent not to my room on the SS Anne, but the Cerulean City Pokemon Center. Not sure whether this will affect the overall game script as I got frustrated by how far I was spawned and stopped playing, but hopefully this isn't a sequence break of some sort.

That's no bug, it's supposed to be like that. You'll always be sent to the last Pokemon Center you visited in case you black out.

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I apologize for reporting this as a bug, at the time I (incorrectly) assumed you were locked to the S.S. Anne until everything was done in there, and so I saw it as a potential sequence break. I figured you were supposed to spawn back in your room after blacking out. My mistake.

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