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Server transfer


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PRO Username: Reepz

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?



What have you already tried to solve the problem?



Description and Message

Hey PRO-support,


with the release of the new Yellow sever, I got the question if its possible to change the server.

I allready read in the FAQ that its not but Im hoping that it would be possible in the new situation with the new sever release.

My argument for the transfer is, that the Red server is always full to the top, and the waiting time is around 30 min for a relog. With the possibility to change the server from red to yellow it would be a big relieve for the server and less server problems in the future.


Thanks for futur answer :Smile: .


Have a great day :kiss:



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We can't move accounts to the other servers, as they all have separated save files. We would risk possible clones and hacks by copying them.

We declined multiple requests from other users, we would open Pandora's box if we moved yours, apart from it being impossible.

You can start over on the new server, like many users did when we introduced the blue server.



Sorry for your inconvenience, enjoy your game.


Best regards.

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