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Cannot open the PRO app on Mac

Guest twelvethirty

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Guest twelvethirty

Description and Message

PRO Username: Don't have one

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: N/A


What have you done before the problem was there?

I downloaded PRO from this link: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0ByN5oSs89YG1OW5fTElxNjl3cUE


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Not much I can do ... I tried moving it from Desktop to Applications and same error. I also tried redownloading it a few days later (I tried the first time around a week ago) just to see if I got unlucky... but I still can't get it to open. I already have the "Allow apps downloaded from: anywhere" option on in my settings, so I'm not sure what's up. :(


Description and Message



This ^ is what happens when I click the app to try opening it. I would appreciate some help because I would love to start playing soon. (I'm new!) Thank you! :)

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Guest twelvethirty


Try to right-click open it. You should receive a message where you get asked if you want to use an unidentified source.


I also put in a guide how to deal with it properly: (link)


Good luck let me know if it worked.


Best regards.





I just tried right click-opening and I'm getting the same error as if I clicked it regularly.

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Guest twelvethirty

Hey, I think I actually just found out the problem. I was unzipping the file with Keka and I think that might have caused a problem with the app... I just tried it right clicking and opening it with Archive Utility and it works! Try it out ^


Thank you for the help Qhinn :)

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