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Request for Character Server Swap



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PRO Username: Trindall

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: BLUE


What have you done before the problem was there?



What have you already tried to solve the problem?



Description and Message

Hi there! I recently joined PRO on the Blue server. Then, when Yellow was released practically a day later, I swapped to that, with the intention of playing with a group of friends, and decided to purchase some coins. As luck would have it, my friends decided to remain on Blue, and I wasn't aware that coin balances or purchased items aren't shared between servers (i.e. account-wide).


I'm wondering if it's possible to have my initial character on Blue deleted, then have the Yellow server character transferred over to Blue so I can keep my purchases. I realise it's a bit of an outlandish request, and it was a mistake on my part not to look into the workings of it beforehand, but would greatly appreciate it if you could assist me with this.


Much appreciated!

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Greetings, unfortunately it's not possible as these are 3 different servers, with own savefiles.


We got multiple requests like that in the past we would open Pandora's box if we helped you out but no the others.


You'll need to start over in Yellow, sorry for your inconvenience.


Best regards.

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