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PRO Username: timidoni

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: None


What have you done before the problem was there?

I download the new client


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

i tried all the guide after the update but none works, please help me


Description and Message

Hi, i download today the new client but after the download is finished when I tryed to unzip it the program it tells me that there is an error in the package. When I search to launch the program, it runs in background but the windows isn't showed, I have a win 10 operative system with all the drivers upload, system specification ok and directX11 and I have removed all the previous program of PRO and clean the cash.

How can i resolve the problem? Can you recharge the client without the error?

This problem usually comes with trying to extract with WinRAR. Try downloading and extracting with 7zip, which you can get at this link:


I hope this solves the problem!


Thanks to Shak404 for this amazing signature!

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The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

-Albert Einstein

215895 PRO Username: timidoni

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: None


What have you done before the problem was there?

I download the new client


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

i tried all the guide after the update but none works, please help me


Description and Message

Hi, i download today the new client but after the download is finished when I tryed to unzip it the program it tells me that there is an error in the package. When I search to launch the program, it runs in background but the windows isn't showed, I have a win 10 operative system with all the drivers upload, system specification ok and directX11 and I have removed all the previous program of PRO and clean the cash.

How can i resolve the problem? Can you recharge the client without the error?

215992 I have the same problem, doesn't work with 7zip.

Downloaded, reboot / extracted in new folders for more than 9 hours can't get it to launch

Hi there, try to repair the zip file. You can also try re-extracting the files into a new folder without using WinRar or 7zip (search up an online extractor).


If all of that still fails, make sure you check out this guide on client crashes, since DirectX drivers have been known to have issues with the PRO client at times.



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I have a temporary solution, it worked for me 2 times now

You need to download everyday the client, deletting the old one + the others folders

Restart your pc

Extract in new folder

Might not work tho but I did it 2 days in a row, really boring / long way but he.. wanna play

Edit : Worked 3 times ( Winrar only, never worked with 7zip ) and now can't get it to work anymore

216443 I tried to extract with 7zip but I can't run the program, the process is running but the windows isn't showed

Quoting for visibility:

217842 Yo.. I tried one more time using windows extractor this time and it worked :O

I hope it's definitive tho, but at least it worked for me if ppl still have this problem!

217904 I had a similar problem ...i solved using IZARC (https://www.izarc.org).

Try those extraction programs out and let me know if it helps solve your issue.



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