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Managing the PRO Spanish-Speaking Community



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This thread is mainly intended for the PRO staff's reading.


I have recently joined PRO and so far I have really enjoyed my experience (with the exception of a couple of things that differ from the traditional games, but nothing "game-breaking") and I think that PRO has a great future ahead, to look forward to.


With that being said, I have noticed that the Spanish-Speaking community is quite large... In fact it's huge. I am however not surprised since Pokemon is a worldwide phenomenon and it has been quite a popular game for years here in America (that would include South America as well ofc)...


All of PRO's areas (community-wise) seem to be managed as far as I can tell, but what about the Spanish community? You see, something peculiar happens with the spanish speakers (myself not-included) and it's that they will almost never participate in a discussion (or a chat channel) that speaks anything other than Spanish. Take the "Other" channel for example, on the very rare occasion, people from other nationalities sometimes pop-up, though quickly leave once they realize it's full of spanish speakers. These people instead of insisting, simply go to an English-Speaking channel, using what little English they may have.


Spanish speakers don't do this. Even if they speak English, they simply don't care to speak with an English-Speaking community. There is no logical reason as to why this happens, but it simply is this way. Perhaps it is due to the fact that the Spanish group is a big one compared to others, not sure.


Fast-Forward to what this thread is really about...


The Spanish-Speaking community needs managing. There is too much swearing and profanity being exchanged back & forth, all day long... But there is no one to control this. A couple of days ago, if I recall correctly, a girl/women/female was asking for help, fortunately there is always someone willing to help out and she continued enjoying the game.


The problem is that the swearing is simply out of hand in this channel... It is a very common thing to see people in there saying throwing words like "cock", "shit", "ass"... Just to name a few of the more "innocent ones".


Is this ok? Is it ok that we know many of our players are still childs and are being exposed to such profanity? What about our female players?


Of course they don't speak up since there is no one there to control the problem.


I propose 3 solutions to this problem, since I dislike only complaining and not offering options:


1 - I am 100% fluent in Spanish, thanks to me being an English Professor, currently teaching in a private Government-Funded institution here in Mexico. Ask me for a list of profanities, I can write it up and provide it so that you can implement it in the censoring filter for PRO's chat. You can't just Google for a list and voila... Slang terms are updated every day in our ever-evolving society.


2 - I can help you train one or two of your moderators, so that they can detect bad behaviour in the chat and act accordingly.


3 - I can help moderate, but I can only log in about 4 - 5 times a day, and the time I can be on playing can vary from 30 minutes to 2-3 hrs. tops.


Either way, I hope I have helped in some way or another by putting this out here.


Have a nice day and thanks for providing fans with PRO.

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+1 There aren't moderators for the spanish community and it'll keep growing, i don't even look that chat because it's full of kids swearing, i prefer to look at the "all" chat(if i'm not playing with friends) because it's more mature and moderators are almost always online. As a spanish speaker the spanish chat sucks, new people(spanish speakers) have a hard time trying to find an answer to their questions, which may lead to even leave the game since there arent spanish guides for PRO


edit: typo

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215913 +1 There aren't moderators for the spanish community and it'll keep growing, i don't even look that chat because it's full of kids swearing, i prefer to look at the "all" chat(if i'm not playing with friends) because it's more mature and moderators are almost always online. As a spanish speaker the spanish chat sucks, new people(spanish speakers) have a hard time trying to find an answer to their questions, which may lead to even leave the game since there arent spanish guides for PRO


edit: typo


Yes, right on target. When we look at the bigger picture, if we want a great spanish community in the near future, we need to begin taking steps from the start :Cool:

215903 really?

what seems to be your problem with this suggestion?

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Dont you know that there is staff who speak spanish in this community? Marcy, Tetrapod (no longer) for example...


I really dont like your words, especially when you say things like "I am a English Teacher in México" (great! then you can come here and teach manners to us, too) and "I can come here 4 or 5 times a day to control the spanish community", (are you serious? do you think the spanish community needs more control than others?)


I guess your comment disrespects the Spanish-Speaking Community (quite large like you said).

You have just come to this game, and before inform yourself you start criticizing a big community with this sadly entrance.

In my opinion, the only thing you want to get with this post is becoming a staff member offering your services.


I dont have anything else to say... Well, actually yes, where is the "dislike button"?


P.D: Excuse my english, I am not a language teacher like you. :Ambivalent:


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215930 Dont you know that there is staff who speak spanish in this community? Marcy, Tetrapod (no longer) for example...


I really dont like your words, especially when you say things like "I am a English Teacher in México" (great! then you can come here and teach manners to us, too) and "I can come here 4 or 5 times a day to control the spanish community", (are you serious? do you think the spanish community needs more control than others?)


I guess your comment disrespects the Spanish-Speaking Community (quite large like you said).

You have just come to this game, and before inform yourself you start criticizing a big community with this sadly entrance.

In my opinion, the only thing you want to get with this post is becoming a staff member offering your services.


I dont have anything else to say... Well, actually yes, where is the "dislike button"?


P.D: Excuse my english, I am not a language teacher like you. :Ambivalent:


Let me speak what just came to my mind with your comment, and I hope this isn't /too/ offensive (however there is no doubt in my mind this will offend.)


Okay, so - there are THREE servers in this game, and as you yourself said, there is Marcy and there was Tetrapod, however as you yourself said, he is no longer around. Let me be blunt, three servers, each worse than the last when it comes to the Spanish-speaking community. One moderator can only manage one server and even one moderator can't sit online for all hours of the day monitoring the clearly inappropriate words that occasionally get said when nobody is watching. I hate to say it like that, but it's the general consensus that if a moderator isn't around, we can say whatever we want. This isn't the case.


Do you have this opinion that the Spanish Speaking community of PRO should be exempt from the games rules? Do you think that you should be allowed to say whatever you want because it's in Spanish and most people don't understand it unless they as well speak Spanish?


This is not, and will never be the case. The fact that it is as bad as it is now tells me something needs to be done.


Your comment on how the OP said he was an English Teacher wasn't an attempt to bash at the Spanish-Speaking Community, the poster (as I believe) was simply pointing out that they were bi-lingual and studied both languages and thus is very proficient with them.


I think the words Control were a bit brash, but honestly your other comment "Do you think the Spanish community needs more control than the others?" is very very wrong. In fact, the Spanish community to this date has had the least amount of control when it comes to the in-game chat rules regarding swearing and just being plain rude and cruel.




Too the OP:


This post is decent, however let me be blunt with saying from experience, if you truly want to help out in a situation like this; your best bet would be going with suggestion #1 and sending a PM to a Moderator (SHOULD THEY ASK FOR IT) with as many different slang lingo in Spanish that is completely inappropriate, however; don't do so unless they ask.


This topic will have undoubtedly have been brought up before, I know I've brought it up before and I know others have to, but with so little Spanish Speaking Moderators who are also fluent in English, nothing will get done.


When Tetrapod was around a lot of things got handled, and I am sure Marcy is doing a great job, but with three servers; this was bound to be an issue, there needs to be more support in the Spanish-speaking community.


I agree with the OP on the subject, maybe some of the words used, not as much.



“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
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"All of PRO's areas (community-wise) seem to be managed as far as I can tell, but what about the Spanish community? You see, something peculiar happens with the spanish speakers (myself not-included) and it's that they will almost never participate in a discussion (or a chat channel) that speaks anything other than Spanish. Take the "Other" channel for example, on the very rare occasion, people from other nationalities sometimes pop-up, though quickly leave once they realize it's full of spanish speakers. These people instead of insisting, simply go to an English-Speaking channel, using what little English they may have.


Spanish speakers don't do this. Even if they speak English, they simply don't care to speak with an English-Speaking community. There is no logical reason as to why this happens, but it simply is this way."


Is this respectful ? Encompasses the whole spanish community, but wait he still says "(myself not-included)".

I would be agree with this post if he would not have called "kids swearing" to every spanish player.

There are other ways to suggest improvements that do not involve being rude to others, thats all.


If you want to enter in staff, find another excuse, but do not dirty the image of a community.


Regards, Antinoo


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215930 Dont you know that there is staff who speak spanish in this community? Marcy, Tetrapod (no longer) for example...


I really dont like your words, especially when you say things like "I am a English Teacher in México" (great! then you can come here and teach manners to us, too) and "I can come here 4 or 5 times a day to control the spanish community", (are you serious? do you think the spanish community needs more control than others?)


I guess your comment disrespects the Spanish-Speaking Community (quite large like you said).

You have just come to this game, and before inform yourself you start criticizing a big community with this sadly entrance.

In my opinion, the only thing you want to get with this post is becoming a staff member offering your services.


I dont have anything else to say... Well, actually yes, where is the "dislike button"?


P.D: Excuse my english, I am not a language teacher like you. :Ambivalent:

215933 My suspicions are confirmed, "WoW developer" as signature...


Well done mate :y:


In my free time I like to write code, create a couple of scripts here and there, and implement 3D models, playing around with the game engine as much as I can. Unfortunately I have a life, I occupy my time with my job and with my small businesses (3 at the moment), sometime when I get home after I finish preparing everything for my classes next day, I can play pokemon PRO.


Well, now you know more about me. Moving on, you seem to have entirely missed the point. The topic is "Managing the Spanish Community because everyone is acting like children"

215950 Too the OP:

Thanks, your post covered more ground. I don't understand what words that you don't like you are referring to though :y:

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215970 If you want to enter in staff, find another excuse, but do not dirty the image of a community.


You seem to want to argue for the sake of arguing, so I'm not going to fuel it. Besides, you simply don't make sense to me, I think you believe I called you a child. I did not, but sorry anyways.


And to answer the staff rant, I don't care if I join the team or not. If I do, then I will try to help improve the game generally speaking, if not, then I will continue playing.


Anything else I can help you with, sir?

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