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217712 yeah i tried every step in the guide you send me. and i still get the same crash error. :Frown: i dont wanna quit PRO cuz of this :Frown:

From what you're describing, it sounds like you may be experiencing an issue with your drivers. The guide I linked earlier (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=14688), as well as this related post over here (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15846#p98003), relates more to Windows 10 driver issues rather than Windows 7, but I would recommend trying both of those out anyway to see if that gets you anywhere.


The next thing I would recommend is checking your drivers for updates and also reinstalling your DirectX files. You can do so with the link provided in the crash guide over here.



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  • 2 weeks later...
232338 is it possible that you can give me you client to try if that works?


also sorry for this late reply, i just came back from my vacation


Welcome back, a new client was released while you were gone. Download it here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4563


If you're still experiencing issues after downloading the new client, please be sure to once again try everything that's been suggested so far (forcing DirectX 9, typing the DirectX 9 command correctly in the target field, updating your drivers and reinstalling DirectX files). We can continue to troubleshoot from there if that still doesn't work.



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237446 i tried the same thing as suggested on the new client but it still gives me the error it gave me before :Angry: :etc:

Can you confirm that you've tried retyping the DirectX 9 command so that there are quotation marks around the file name? And that you've already checked your drivers for updates, as well as reinstalled your DirectX files?


Also: Can you let me know if PRO worked on your computer at any point before you made this thread? When did this problem first start for you?



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237891 i had no problems playibg PRO before the new update, this happend after i updated the client, i use window 7 by the way in case you didnt know that

Yes, you did mention that you use Windows 7 in your previous posts. Non-Windows 10 users have also reported that applying the DirectX fix has helped them when encountering this kind of crash, so the issue may not be strictly OS-related.


Please try the suggestions I've linked anyway, if you haven't already tried them. Once again:

237685 Can you confirm that you've tried retyping the DirectX 9 command so that there are quotation marks around the file name? And that you've already checked your drivers for updates, as well as reinstalled your DirectX files?



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