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Here i'll be posting all the maps i will Create with the program for Pokemon-revo, "Tiled", instead of spamming the forums with First map.. Second map.. I Will compile all of the images into just 1 huge thread.


Started using Tiled about 3ish days ago, and figured i'd ask a mapper / community which settings it should be on, well here's my newly made map, it still needs lots of fine detailing and stuff, but this is what i've done so far.


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Hey, that really is some great progress compares to the maps you uploaded earlier. Your sense for arrangement definitely improved over the course of your last maps, which I really find interesting to watch. Most importantly, however, I see very little wrong with your map in terms of technical execution. There's some small stuff, but that's mostly very easy to miss and also hard to pay attention to, especially for a beginner.


All your technical mistakes can be seen in this image:


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As you're able to see, one thing that changed after I opened up the map in Photoshop, is the the black line on the left side, under the mountain. This is due to the fact that some tiny part of the mountain corners is half-transparent, which is for shadows. Because you did not completely map the lake under the mountain on a layer below, it ended up throwing a shadow on nothing. This does not transition when you download the image.


The remaining parts should be relatively self-explanatory. On the top of the map you did a similar mistake with transparency under grass, the top parts of plants are being hit by trees' shadows which isn't possible if you approach it logically, the grass spikes within the fence have been placed on the wrong sort of grass, and on one part in the bottom you apparently forgot to remove some mountain-ish part of a layer which doesn't pass into grass too well. I've said it before, these things aren't all that crucial, but they quickly add up and make the map seem worse than it actually is.


But again, the arrangement has become much better with this map. It all seems a little bit more loose than before, so you're definitely heading towards the right direction. I like that you tried adding another layer of ground with the mountain, it certainly adds a lot. Also, it's worth mentioning that your map looks a lot more dynamic than before because you tried to fill the grass with small props. You definitely need to work on variety, though. You see, all the trees that are next to each other share the same color and are often placed in straight and thin lines, for example. Try to come out of your shell and be a little more extravagant, don't stick to the rules you made.


Design-wise, there's a few things that I'd personally change, but are subject to what you think looks good and could probably be made interesting without changing them. The thing that sticks out the most to me, is how much space this fenced part of the map takes. It just seems like to much for being so empty. With this size you could have made it look like some sort of farm, for example. Also, the water leading under the mountain like that seems very unrealistic, even for a Pokemon map. I would have enjoyed it if that part of mountain was split to have the water run through, and then maybe block it off with some rocks so there's not too many entrances to the map. On the very top of your map, you used grass-tiles to block off the map, or at least it looks like you wanted it to do so. In the games, these tiles are passable, so if they were designed as obstacles, they don't quite serve that purpose.


Well, that's it with the feedback. Already seems like a lot to me, I hope you're not too overwhelmed. All in all, I'd give this map a 6.5/10. Can't wait for the next one! :)

  Lylezz said:
217855 Hey, that really is some great progress compares to the maps you uploaded earlier. Your sense for arrangement definitely improved over the course of your last maps, which I really find interesting to watch. Most importantly, however, I see very little wrong with your map in terms of technical execution. There's some small stuff, but that's mostly very easy to miss and also hard to pay attention to, especially for a beginner.


All your technical mistakes can be seen in this image:


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As you're able to see, one thing that changed after I opened up the map in Photoshop, is the the black line on the left side, under the mountain. This is due to the fact that some tiny part of the mountain corners is half-transparent, which is for shadows. Because you did not completely map the lake under the mountain on a layer below, it ended up throwing a shadow on nothing. This does not transition when you download the image.


The remaining parts should be relatively self-explanatory. On the top of the map you did a similar mistake with transparency under grass, the top parts of plants are being hit by trees' shadows which isn't possible if you approach it logically, the grass spikes within the fence have been placed on the wrong sort of grass, and on one part in the bottom you apparently forgot to remove some mountain-ish part of a layer which doesn't pass into grass too well. I've said it before, these things aren't all that crucial, but they quickly add up and make the map seem worse than it actually is.


But again, the arrangement has become much better with this map. It all seems a little bit more loose than before, so you're definitely heading towards the right direction. I like that you tried adding another layer of ground with the mountain, it certainly adds a lot. Also, it's worth mentioning that your map looks a lot more dynamic than before because you tried to fill the grass with small props. You definitely need to work on variety, though. You see, all the trees that are next to each other share the same color and are often placed in straight and thin lines, for example. Try to come out of your shell and be a little more extravagant, don't stick to the rules you made.


Design-wise, there's a few things that I'd personally change, but are subject to what you think looks good and could probably be made interesting without changing them. The thing that sticks out the most to me, is how much space this fenced part of the map takes. It just seems like to much for being so empty. With this size you could have made it look like some sort of farm, for example. Also, the water leading under the mountain like that seems very unrealistic, even for a Pokemon map. I would have enjoyed it if that part of mountain was split to have the water run through, and then maybe block it off with some rocks so there's not too many entrances to the map. On the very top of your map, you used grass-tiles to block off the map, or at least it looks like you wanted it to do so. In the games, these tiles are passable, so if they were designed as obstacles, they don't quite serve that purpose.


Well, that's it with the feedback. Already seems like a lot to me, I hope you're not too overwhelmed. All in all, I'd give this map a 6.5/10. Can't wait for the next one! :)



I Appreciate the awesome feedback, yeah the mountain part i completely forgot about and just saved it as it was, but the farm section of it, now that i look at it, looks pretty "Blatant", it's too straightforward and uses alot of the same things at once. Considering the maps i did earlier were of wrong proportion as i was using a width and hight of 10, instead of 32. Now that i've got the right size covered im pretty sure the next map i make will be without any mistakes, and if there are, well more feedback = better maps, am i right? =)


Thanks for taking your time giving me all that feedback


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