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Stuck outside of Diglett's Cave (Red Server)


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My computer is displaying a diglett right where I should be able to enter Diglett's Cave. Everyone else is walking straight through, but I cannot walk past the pokemon, I have Flash, Dig, and 3 gym badges. Please help

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219102 My computer is displaying a diglett right where I should be able to enter Diglett's Cave. Everyone else is walking straight through, but I cannot walk past the pokemon, I have Flash, Dig, and 3 gym badges. Please help

Can you take a screenshot of your game so we can see what's going on? Use this guide on uploading images within forum posts.


If you're referring to the Black Belt and Dugtrio NPCs who are standing in front of Diglett's Cave, simply speak to the Black Belt and he should disappear automatically, allowing you to enter the cave.



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