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Pikachu Can't Learn Surf


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Hello, I just want to consult about my cute pikachu,

I picked pikachu as my 1st cute pokemon. He is my starting pokemon.

When i arrive at Fushia city i able to teach my pika a surf move.

But the next pikachu i catch CAN'T learn surf HM.








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221841 Hello, I just want to consult about my cute pikachu,

I picked pikachu as my 1st cute pokemon. He is my starting pokemon.

When i arrive at Fushia city i able to teach my pika a surf move.

But the next pikachu i catch CAN'T learn surf HM.




Hi, there's a cooldown on the Pikachu Surf Tutor, around 3 weeks real time or so. If you've already taught your Pikachu Surf, you'll have to wait until the cooldown resets before you can tutor another Pikachu.


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221859 Finally thankyou for Help :D



Yup, it seems you were able to teach your Pikachu Surf, so the tutor is indeed working just fine. However, as said earlier, it has a cooldown of around 3 weeks, so unfortunately you'll have to wait till then to teach your second Pikachu Surf.


Sorry about the inconvenience. Enjoy your game!



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