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Our guild Eterna will be hosting weekly as well as monthly tournaments.

This will in hope bring a sense of community to the game and fun prizes to everyone.

Rules for tournaments are as follows:

1. Trainers will use only one of each Pokemon (Ex: can't have two charizards)

2. Battles will take place on Indigo Plateau (meaning you need 8 gym badges)

3. Players will be required to show Pokemon before battle to official aka myself

4. Disconnections will be up to the trainers to decide whether to rematch (use ethernet plz)

5. Have fun and play fair.

6. Please post on this forum for admission and which tournament you want to attend I will pm people with details

7. Failure to be at a tournament will be disqualification (exceptions will vary)

In this thread you can post ideas for tournaments you would like us to host and I will continue to update tournaments to come.

Registration for tournaments will be based on the tournament itself and first come first served if you meet the requirements


Rule for Tournaments based on National Competition:

While normally banning unreleased and/or illegitimate Pokémon, moves, items, and Abilities, there are other sets of rules set to be followed by players in varying contexts, may they be official or otherwise.

Most rule variants employ certain restrictions, which are known as clauses in the fandom. The following clauses have seen considerable usage:

Species clause: Each Pokémon on a player's team must be of different species or National Pokédex number.

Item clause: Each Pokémon on a player's team must be holding different items.

Self-KO clause: The player automatically loses if his last Pokémon uses Selfdestruct or Explosion. Destiny Bond and Perish Song also fail when used by the last Pokémon.

Sleep clause: Each player can only have one Pokémon asleep at a time (Pokémon that are put to sleep due to Rest do not count).

Evasion clause: Double Team, Minimize, BrightPowder, and Lax Incense are banned.

One-hit KO clause: Fissure, Horn Drill, Guillotine, and Sheer Cold, are banned.

Sleep trapping clause: Followed mainly in Generation II competitive play, sleep-inducing moves cannot be used in conjunction with moves that trap the opposing Pokémon, such as Mean Look.


Tournament 1 3v3

Will take place Saturday October 3rd 1pm EST


Three level 50 or below Pokemon

First prize will be 2 membership medals, Second place will receive 1

There will only be 8 slots single elimination

Will take place in Viridian Pokecenter


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Rules for tournaments are as follows:

1. Trainers will use only one type of Pokemon

so mono type. are pokemon with 2 types allowed? example starmie(water/psychic) + slowbro(water/psychic) + swampert(water/ground)? or do they all have share the same type like arcanine(fire) + ninetails(fire) + chimchar(fire)?

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