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It is not complete yet but I have input all the locations corresponding with the relevant rarity, however it is still incomplete as the rarity information provided might not correspond to all the locations provided in the Pokedex, hence I'm exploring every area to spot missing locations which can help to fill the rarity information, and these missing information are under the last Sheet 'Data Missing'.


Hope it helps.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask.




Note: I would be away from 4-6Aug, so there wouldn't be any updates these few days. I was hoping to finish up Hoenn ASAP to release it under Game Guides officially but the loading screen bug posted a problem to the progress ;(

Re: Mhoshi Spawn Rarity Guide [updated 02/08/2016]


<t>[Possible Questions of how to interpret Spawn Guide]<br/>


Q: Why are some Pokemon's locations <blank>?<br/>

A: It is because I haven't personally encountered and lack seen data on these Pokemon.<br/>


Q: Why are some Pokemon's locations <?>?<br/>

A: It is because some locations are missing from the Pokedex. For example, Red/Nikola might post hypothetically 7 Zubat spawn rarities but there is only 4 locations in the Pokedex, causing it to have 3 <?> locations. I'm currently going through the regions to identify locations that are not in the Pokedex, and included them in <Data Missing from the Pokedex> Sheet.<br/>


Q: What is the purpose of the <Old> and <New> columns in the spreadsheet?<br/>

A: These are the raw spawn rarities provided by Red/Nikola and I intend to use these 2 columns to compare any spawn rarity changes that might occur in the future, because sometimes Red/Nikola might not go public with minor changes.<br/>


Q: The Rarities colors are too colorful, can you remove them?<br/>

A: I added the colors to make it easier to identify the rarities. If the colors are too harsh for you, you can make a copy of the spreadsheet and remove the colors, then rely on the rarity numbering instead. The higher the rarity number, the rarer the encounter.<br/>


Q: What are the useful sheets to use?<br/>

A: Sheets <Land>, <Sort Land>, <Water> and <Sort Water>.<br/>


Q: What are the most up-to-date sheets?<br/>

A: Sheets <Sort Land> and <Sort Water>.<br/>


Q: What are you currently working on?<br/>

A: I'm working on the sheets <Sort Land> and <Sort Water>, filling in held items information, as well as checking missing information in regions, I'm currently done with Kanto and Johto, going to work on Hoenn next but the Mauville teleport quest bug will no doubt cause inconvenience and hinder the progress. All information are filled manually.<br/>


Q: What are some possible future features?<br/>

A: I'm only planning to add EV information and held items at the moment. Possibly adding dig/headbutt information in the future but I don't think it's really important or relevant to this spawn rarity guide at the moment. Perhaps if any of you have any suggestions, feel free to speak up.</t>

Re: Mhoshi Spawn Rarity Guide [updated 03/08/2016]


<t>[updates of Progress]<br/>


04/08/2016 GMT+8: Updated until Mossdeep Town, Sootopolis City and Victory Road Hoenn; Added Two Better Sorted Land & Water Sheets with Held Items<br/>

03/08/2016 GMT+8: Updated Hoenn Held Items and checked spawns from areas between Littleroot Town to Lilycove City, including Valley of Steel. <br/>

02/08/2016 GMT+8: Updated Hoenn Held Items, Trainers Valley, and checked some Hoenn spawns<br/>

01/08/2016 GMT+8: Updated All Johto Held Items (except Special Area) and checked all Johto spawns.<br/>

31/07/2016 GMT+8: Posted Guide on Forums</t>

Re: Mhoshi Spawn Rarity Guide [updated 02/08/2016]


<t>[interesting Information]<br/>


1. Drowzee in Route 6 holds <Absorb Bulb><br/>

2. Zubat in Union Cave B1F holds <Soothe Bell><br/>

3. Gulpin in Route 110 holds <Big Pearl><br/>

4. Slugma in Fiery Path holds <Heat Rock></t>

Re: Mhoshi Spawn Rarity Guide [updated 02/08/2016]


<t>This sheet is the best thing i've ever seen. Incredible. Thank you.</t>

My wishlist :

- Epic Tyranitar (almost any nature)

- Epic Jolly Garchomp 31 speed


My shop:


Re: Mhoshi Spawn Rarity Guide [updated 02/08/2016]


<r><QUOTE author="Kansu"><s>

  Kansu said:
</s><POST content="226048"><s></s>226048<e></e></POST> This sheet is the best thing i've ever seen. Incredible. Thank you.<e>


Welcome haha. <br/>

I just want to leave something with the community if I were to quit one day ;)<br/>


Do let me know if there are any errors/spelling mistakes.<br/>


And do share with your PRO friends and I hope everyone can benefit from it, no matter how little.</r>

Re: Mhoshi Spawn Rarity Guide [updated 02/08/2016]


<t>Drilbur's location is not listed. It can be caught in Victory Road 2F, any time. :)</t>

My wishlist :

- Epic Tyranitar (almost any nature)

- Epic Jolly Garchomp 31 speed


My shop:


Re: Mhoshi Spawn Rarity Guide [updated 03/08/2016]


<r><QUOTE author="Kansu"><s>

  Kansu said:
</s><POST content="226694"><s></s>226694<e></e></POST> Drilbur's location is not listed. It can be caught in Victory Road 2F, any time. :)<e>


Noted with thanks, but initially I held back on updating Kanto Victory Road.<br/>

Will update it in due time.</r>

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