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hello i m looking for a solution and the problem is:


when u move between maps (somethimes) the game stucks and you cant move u still loging u canwrithe on pm and game chats but u never be allowed to move again no matter what u does


and the solution every 1 give me and works its just shut down client and relogging , i do that every day but i want a real solution cuz its no problem logging and reenter when u have no wait time , but when the queue is higher then 500 relogging is a pain for something that is a bug


thank you very much

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228680 hello i m looking for a solution and the problem is:


when u move between maps (somethimes) the game stucks and you cant move u still loging u canwrithe on pm and game chats but u never be allowed to move again no matter what u does


and the solution every 1 give me and works its just shut down client and relogging , i do that every day but i want a real solution cuz its no problem logging and reenter when u have no wait time , but when the queue is higher then 500 relogging is a pain for something that is a bug


thank you very much

229291 im having the same issue i just got the fog badge and went left and now im stuck in loading map screen...

~ Topic moved to proper forum. ~


Hi there. Shane has already made an announcement about this map issue. It should resolve itself eventually, so don’t stress. Here are some temporary solutions that have worked for other players in loading the game, try them and see if they help.


In the meantime, please refrain from making more threads about the issue.





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