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I don't know if it has already been proposed, I haven't read the 125 pages of suggestions. So if yes, my bad ! :Cry:

So my idea would be to organize a sub-section guilds forum for the different servers. It would be easier for players to navigate.

If a player looking for a guild on the Blue server for example, he will only go in the right sub-forum. In the same way as for trade forum.

Guilds — Red Server

Guilds — Blue Server

Guilds — Yellow Server


^ Something like this...


That's all :Smile:










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Yeah this would be awesome and keep things cleaner. I don't think any guilds apart from guilds who use multiple servers will mind. It would make things look so much cleaner and I don't think it would be so hard to add. ;c




Nice suggestion meng.



squirtle! squirtle! 



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