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Re: Sell Aerodactyl epic jolly full evs lvl 100


<r><QUOTE author="Paleo"><s>

</s><POST content="234859"><s></s>234859<e></e></POST> 900k here :)<e>

I will close the auction at 15:00 of the afternoon schedule Brasilia. if you have no other offer your</r>

Re: Sell Aerodactyl epic jolly full evs lvl 100


<r><QUOTE author="Paleo"><s>

</s><POST content="234859"><s></s>234859<e></e></POST> 900k here :)<e>


sold paid final value in game thanks for the offer.<br/>


<URL url="https://i.imgur.com/DWDIimC.png"><s>http://</s>https://i.imgur.com/DWDIimC.png<e></e></URL></r>

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