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Is scald's burning rate bugged or not ?


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235286 The one point i disagree is that 20 attempts are enough

There is no "enough" with statistics, it's just the more you try the accurate is the result, so 20 attempts is less accurate than 100, yes, but still it gives you a good idea of wether it's "bad luck" or not, because i'm sure that if BigDanny tries 20 times and find like 32% burning rate he will be reassured and his ask for a coder verification will be far less justified.

Also, my intention was to give him a solution that looks not like a giant task :p

235280 nah.. i have focused on scald for many days.. not a random case

i just think it's burning rate is not like only 30%

it's more like at least 50% or higher

I'm sorry but seeing you don't have an accurate idea of the burn rate in pro (you said -> 70%-60%-50%) still makes me think you need to try a formal verification as I did suggest.

The other point I didn't talk about is that it is very easy for a scripter to set the value of burning rate so it's unlikely that a mistake was made here ^.^'

Besides, if you're right and it's not 30%, having real stats about this will help you to ask for coder verification :)

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

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