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Even though it's your fault and you should be more careful next time, I'll support this because I can imagine how bad it must feel.

I hope a GM sees this and will retrieve your Pokemon. :Grin:

[CENTER][I]"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange."[/I][/CENTER]

I've seen staff respond to people telling them they can get it back before if it has been accidentally released sometimes.


Thanks to Shak404 for this amazing signature!

[glow=red]Come join the Pokemon Revolution Online IRC![/glow] https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.atomicedge.org/pro,pro-support


The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

-Albert Einstein

I've seen for sure staff retrieving Pokemon in the past if they know the ID, but you have to find the right one and I guess they need to be in a good day. :Grin:

[CENTER][I]"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange."[/I][/CENTER]
235871 I did a dumb thing and really need help

I accident release my gardevoir :(

Can u help me give my Gardevoir back pls :(

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my pokemon ID is 6382911,pls help me

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