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game goes to log in, words fade, and game fails to log on


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I literally cant get past the main menu. I redownloaded the client about 20 minutes ago, didn't work. I put in my username, password, and attempt to log on- and it goes "Connecting to server," then to "logging in" and then the words "logging in" fades and the game fails to start. Just stays on the main menu, and it wont even respond when i click log in again... I was considering buying premium, but if this is how its going to continue to be, Im definitely going to rethink that decision. Been happening for 2 days. Can someone help me?

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Hi, this issue is pretty common on yellow server. If the words logging in fades away, you are simply in a "ghost" queue which means it doesn't appear but it IS there. Do not click anything else on the screen or you will never get in. If you wait patiently without clicking anything, the queue will either A) Eventually pop up or B) You will never see the queue and be put in-game when it runs out.


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236427 I literally cant get past the main menu. I redownloaded the client about 20 minutes ago, didn't work. I put in my username, password, and attempt to log on- and it goes "Connecting to server," then to "logging in" and then the words "logging in" fades and the game fails to start. Just stays on the main menu, and it wont even respond when i click log in again... I was considering buying premium, but if this is how its going to continue to be, Im definitely going to rethink that decision. Been happening for 2 days. Can someone help me?


You apparently hit a latent, invisible queue.

Meaning you'll still login eventually, you just can't see any player count. Patience is a virtue, just wait some minutes and you should be able to join the game.

Best regards.

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