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Baton Pass


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Hi People.



I wanted to know something.


I think i find some problem, When i Used some stats change and baton pass after sometime the stats change isn t passed sometime yes i didn t really know.


My question is ... WHY ?


Why my buff isn t passed ?

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238156 Hi People.



I wanted to know something.


I think i find some problem, When i Used some stats change and baton pass after sometime the stats change isn t passed sometime yes i didn t really know.


My question is ... WHY ?


Why my buff isn t passed ?


Baton Pass seems to be bugged at times, our developer is aware of it and working on it. It will be fixed eventually.

Best regards, enjoy your game.

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238298 What did you mean by eventually ?

Ultimately, the goal is to fix and update all bugged or uncoded moves. However, we can't give you an exact timeframe on when that will be done. In this case, that's what "eventually" is referring to - it will happen, but there isn't an ETA, so please be patient in the meantime. Make sure to keep an eye on our update logs, as that's where news on updated moves/abilities/etc will be posted.


Sorry for the inconvenience, and enjoy your game!



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