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What if scenario


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Hey guys. This isn't a game getting shutdown post or anything like that. I'm just wondering that if PRO ever got shut down for rights reasons, couldn't the team make their own monsters and NPCs and keep the game alive through doing so? What are your thoughts?

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That would require loads of changes to the code. I mean, they could change names and images easily, but when it comes to dealing with scripted events and such, they would probably need to be careful with it.


This would also require artists that can replicate the game sprite style. There are a good number of artists out there, but I hope that if they do recruit new artists for something like this, that they would be paying them. It's not a good idea to use an artist without paying for their services (especially for a game this big).


There would probably be loads of other things that need to change and such, but these two are the only things that come to mind.

To trust someone, first you must doubt them...

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Guest LiquidSnakeK
239224 why do ppl care so much if there's gonna be trouble for the staff abt this game? R u gonna be the one who's gonna solve it? smh...

Well in case you didn't know the word you are looking for is called CONCERN. Some people do indeed get concerned that the game may just vanish one day for whatever reason. WHY? Well because guess what, they enjoy the game, and they care about its well being! They want it to thrive. It's not complicated. The question is, why do you care so much if other people care? :Cool:

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239236 Well in case you didn't know the word you are looking for is called CONCERN. Some people do indeed get concerned that the game may just vanish one day for whatever reason. WHY? Well because guess what, they enjoy the game, and they care about its well being! They want it to thrive. It's not complicated. The question is, why do you care so much if other people care?

I love to see the negative people in this forum to get a good enlightening answer like this! :boot:

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Well, yeah what LiquidSnakeK said. I do care, and honestly I would try to help :). I went to college for studio art and would love to have a project to work on other than book illustrations and my tabletop RPG I've been developing :D. I'm all about creating monsters like Pokemon, digimon, etc. I just think the devs have the potential to take their game and talent further if they are forced to :).

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239224 why do ppl care so much if there's gonna be trouble for the staff abt this game? R u gonna be the one who's gonna solve it? smh...

Well in case you didn't know the word you are looking for is called CONCERN. Some people do indeed get concerned that the game may just vanish one day for whatever reason. WHY? Well because guess what, they enjoy the game, and they care about its well being! They want it to thrive. It's not complicated. The question is, why do you care so much if other people care? :Cool:


Well i do enjoy the game myself but i cannot do much if Nintendo decides it's getting in their way and they must remove it. Maybe we could do something like a pettition or something but that rarely changes things when such a big company has made their decision. As to answer at yourr question, we're just having a conversation right here, and you're being hostile? Calm down.




I love to see the negative people in this forum to get a good enlightening answer like this! :boot:


The only negative person here is you, we're all positive af just having a nice convo <3

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Guest LiquidSnakeK




The only negative person here is you, we're all positive af just having a nice convo <3

Uhm I was merely responding to your passive aggressive post. Your "edgy meme" of a post :Cool: I'm cooler than a yeti in frozen spaghetti fam :Angel:

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