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Daycare Leveling & EV Training Service


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Offering dex service and leveling & EV training services. [Yellow]



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Please note:


Due to rapid poke dollar inflation and increasing demand for EV training services, and after careful consideration, we have made the decision to peg daycare fees to MS values. Since poke dollars inflate over time, a flat fee would have to be constantly adjusted upward to keep pace. We feel that this is the clearest solution to ensure prices remain fair.


Effective from 1st November, EV training for all pokemon except tanky ones would be 75k and for tanky ones would be 85k resulting in a 15k increase for both. The prices for leveling would remain unchanged.


- Regards



Offering dex service and leveling & EV training services. [Yellow]



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My Ingame name: Neo007

Pokemon's name: Hippopotas and Azurill

Evs : Azurill 252 Atk , 6 Speed , 252 HP

Hippopotas DEF 252 , HP 252 , SPDEF 6

Starting/Finishing level: Azurill : 12-95 , Hippopotas : 12-95

Im want egg move Hippopotas: Slack Off and Azurill egg move : Belly Drum and Aqua Jet

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