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Hilight and tab completion for chat, like on IRC



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It's generally difficult to follow a fast chat (like help or trade) when we ask a question and wait for an answer, or just to answer someone with writing down his username (some usernames are long are uncommon to us). I suggest that:

  1. Chat lines become coloured (like system messages or <pokemon> links) when our username is mentioned. It would be coded in the client and this way, we can look up directly the line of interest and read the message. We can also get a short beep to notify us that someone said our username in the "active and opened" chat.
  2. Tab completion become possible in in-game chat. When you start writing someone's name and press TAB, it takes – let's say – the last 16 people who talked in that chat and complete the username for you. It would really help answering people in Help channel.


And being my first topic in this forum, I would like to thank the developers for their amazing work. Thank you guys, you rock :Cool: !

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