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Does PRO store any kind of logging files? or is there any way to track stats in a db locally?

like when random pokemon appear, stats/exp inc, poke lev etc?

im playing on linux btw.


Greets, SgtStropwafel.

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i would like to make an statustracker more or less like https://www.arenatracker.com, but then for pokemon revolutnion. therefor i would need 'a way' to track/sniff/read that data.

ill post it on github offcourse

250138 i would like to make an statustracker more or less like www.arenatracker.com , but then for pokemon revolutnion. therefor i would need 'a way' to track/sniff/read that data


There already is one. https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/


Thanks to Shak404 for this amazing signature!

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