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Some Suggestions


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1. Rearrange the stat order on the statistics page to better reflect the Pokemon games. A lot players who have played Pokemon are more partial to having the order listed as HP / ATK / DEF / SPATK / SPDEF / SPE, rather than the current setup of ATK / DEF / SPE / SPATK / SPDEF / HP. This isn't super important, but would be a nice change.


2. Have EVs shown while trading, can't tell you how many times I wasted a sellers time because I couldn't see the EVs ahead of time.


3. Implement the Power Braces. Allows for easier EV training and can be thrown in as an easy money sink, selling each individual brace for 150,000 or so.


4. Have trainer battles not give EVs. Though trainer battles give EVs in the handheld its just more of an inconvenience than anything since our trainers actually respawn. If I am EV training a new Pokemon when the trainer battle resets (assuming he is leading my party), then I have one of two choices, finish the fight and remove the EVs after (assuming I have the berries) or two logout and log back in.


5. Trainer rebattles don't happen on sight, have it so you need to talk to the NPC to initiate a re-battle

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i ttly agree with you especially with the trainer evs...even by accident can ruin you the ev line you have think of your pokemon and since you cant find the reduce berries easy and if you have macho brace is a shame :/....


about the stats it was kinda weird for me also since i had used the one (hp/attack.def/s.attack/s.def/speed) fromother pokemon games and DS and the rest sites on internet....but its something you can get use of it so its kinda ok


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