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  Cambril said:
253946 catches serve is expelling me play every so often

Have you tried the solutions listed on this thread under "Crash Issues"? https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=31177



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  Cambril said:
254646 isnt my problem my problem is example im play the game at the 4 o 5 minutes its exit automatic every time im need a solution thanks sorry for my english its bad jeje

Can you explain further what's going on when the game closes? For example, were you AFK when that happened? There is an AFK timer that will automatically kick you from the server if the game fails to register activity from you after 7 minutes. Are you crashing in battle? Let me know.



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  Cambril said:
254658 no im play continuous and the game kick me the game no afk

Does it kick you back to the login Screen? If that's so, you need to check if your internet connection is stable enough (w-lan might make you disconnect due to bad connection).



If the client completely closes try this:


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