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Lottery time!


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Bring back the lottery *3.

You don't have to do it off of trainer IDS - but instead you could make it fun random lotteries that change daily.


Nobody knows what the question is, there's a random npc somewhere that (Put in saffron/capital cities) when you talk to will tell you if you've won the lottery or not.


This lottery will be blank basically revolving around things like

"Does player have fire type pokemon in the party?" - random prize of a pool of say; 20great pokeballs, 5 hyper potions, 2 rare candies. Stuff like that.

Other types of lotter could be "Does player have the move heatwave on them?"

"Does the player have a specific pokemon with them?"

"Does the player have a specific item equiped to a pokemon?"

Type of stuff.


Would be a really good way.

And players could pay say 1k to receive a hint for the lottery.

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