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for vigoroth i also have 2 vigoroth same level like u i just sell it for 25k cause i buy from someone for 15k

for the nuzleaf that's stats is good but... both of ur pkm have same problem , already evolved n not yet level100

i spend a lot my time in trade channel n i know mostly people prefer buy pkm already evolved n level100 or not evolved yet at all,..

try to level up ur nuzleaf until level100 or sell for maybe around 70k-95k

TIPS : Evolved pkm need more EXP to evolve, example magikarp need 20k EXP to levelup but if already become gyarados it's need 100k to levelup so hard!!! better levelup ur pkm around level 95-98 n use candy to finish it :y:

goodluck sir..!! :Smile:

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