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[glow=red]Hi guys and welcome to my personal shop :Cool:[/glow]

[glow=red]I hope u will find here what u looking for :Exclam:[/glow]

[glow=red]You can send me your offer with message or you can add me in game (Bajiruu)[/glow]



1--> I sell the Pokemon without items

2-->I can refuse to sell the Pokemon, if I change my mind.

3--> i accept ms=(350k) or other pokemons

4-->i will sell the Pokemon when i feel the price is good




c.o 950k


s.o 400k



s.o 400k


s.o 500k


s.o 700k



s.o 250k

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Re: Welcome to my shop(lvl100 pokemons for pvp)


<r><QUOTE author="Icrz11"><s>

</s><POST content="256698"><s></s>256698<e></e></POST> you sell ms ???<e>

I accept ms....<br/>

i dont sell</r>

Re: Welcome to my shop(lvl100 pokemons for pvp)


<t>DO NOT BUY FROM THIS GUY...I put the offer in for Starmie a couple days ago and after days of asking he just told me he decided its not for sale right now maybe in the future...people like this shouldn't be allowed to have a "shop"</t>

Re: Welcome to my shop(lvl100 pokemons for pvp)


<r><QUOTE author="PKJeff"><s>

</s><POST content="261112"><s></s>261112<e></e></POST> DO NOT BUY FROM THIS GUY...I put the offer in for Starmie a couple days ago and after days of asking he just told me he decided its not for sale right now maybe in the future...people like this shouldn't be allowed to have a "shop"<e>


I say i will think of your offer and i pm me you when i feel the price is good but you sir keep ask for the starmie every day!<br/>

What you expected to say to you?!!!</r>

There is no time on your Starmie and thats the problem....what is the point of bidding if my bid is pointless? You clearly have a price in mind. You initially told me 850k low end so I bid 900k and figured after a couple of days like any regular auction if I didn't get outbid you would accept it instead you knew you wouldn't accept 900k but didn't say that. Its a sneaky way to sell you should set a minimum price and when some1 hits that you start a 48h auction and at the end you sell to highest bidder or just have a set price. Basically the guy who bid 950k can never win the starmie at 950 since it is presumably to low for you so his bid is pointless.

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