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How rare is Torchic in the Hoenn safari?


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I've been to Safari zone 6 (torchic spawn area) 5 times now with not one torchic. Is there some kind of technique to help my chances?


I've noticed 2 people in the safari running between patches of grass (one somewhat far away) consistently. I tried asking them why but they had their PM disabled, based on the pattern and blocked communication I'm guessing bots. However were these bots using some strategy I don't know about or were they just trying to avoid bot detection?

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Guest LiquidSnakeK

I believe its of the extremely rare tier. If that's the case you can expect to spend days on end to get a good torchic, or you can get lucky and get one within a few hours lol

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264489 i have comited at least 15 safari trips for that special h.a. chicken nugget and had around 10 torchics, its hard but its not impossible, just grind on and u will get it :D


p.s. wtb mcnuggets



How would you rate rarity compared to that of miltank? I've seen 3 of those so far. Also, have a favourite bush? Maybe the one by the little house, the two by the puddle, just wondering.

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264489 i have comited at least 15 safari trips for that special h.a. chicken nugget and had around 10 torchics, its hard but its not impossible, just grind on and u will get it :D


p.s. wtb mcnuggets



How would you rate rarity compared to that of miltank? I've seen 3 of those so far. Also, have a favourite bush? Maybe the one by the little house, the two by the puddle, just wondering.


Imo, it's as rare as a Beldum, to give you an idea, so yes it's very rare. And i don't think there is a special spot to find it, every bush of the map has the same probability.


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its extremely rare, i prefer the bush of north, but nothing special about that place...maybe i should change bush


as far as miltanks go they are uncomon i think, pineco is the one that has the same rarity as torchic form my experience




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264475 I've been to Safari zone 6 (torchic spawn area) 5 times now with not one torchic. Is there some kind of technique to help my chances?


I've noticed 2 people in the safari running between patches of grass (one somewhat far away) consistently. I tried asking them why but they had their PM disabled, based on the pattern and blocked communication I'm guessing bots. However were these bots using some strategy I don't know about or were they just trying to avoid bot detection?





Reds rarity post may be of use, Torchic #255 is listed as "EXTREMELY RARE"

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264475 I've been to Safari zone 6 (torchic spawn area) 5 times now with not one torchic. Is there some kind of technique to help my chances?


I've noticed 2 people in the safari running between patches of grass (one somewhat far away) consistently. I tried asking them why but they had their PM disabled, based on the pattern and blocked communication I'm guessing bots. However were these bots using some strategy I don't know about or were they just trying to avoid bot detection?





Reds rarity post may be of use, Torchic #255 is listed as "EXTREMELY RARE"



133 (Eevee) is also extremely rare. I farmed over 20 of them in kanto safari over a few days. I suppose I'm just being unlucky. Cool link though, thanks for sharing.

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264528 its extremely rare, i prefer the bush of north, but nothing special about that place...maybe i should change bush


as far as miltanks go they are uncomon i think, pineco is the one that has the same rarity as torchic form my experience



Thanks for sharing, I've also find pineco's to be rarer than miltanks. I suppose I'm unlucky that I'm finding them rather than torchics. Thanks for the help, I'll keep looking :)

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