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Guest LiquidSnakeK

Agreed. Having the same punishment for surrending such as the winner gaining points and a coin etc, but without the cost of 45 minutes of your time. Sometimes you just wanna leave and start a new match. We as players should have a right to simply leave a match without being punished for it. Especially if the person who is on the other end still receives his dues.


It's not the same as team based games like League, Dota, CSGO and COD etc etc. Its a 1v1 match. There is no negative side effect to leaving especially since the one who leaves gets a 45min timeout. Adding a surrender button is basically the same thing, however still grants the winner a coin/1 win/ and rating.

  MasterMaeK said:
266592 this not gonna happen because then stupid kids will farm pvp coins with bots

Then why punish everyone for doing so? I'm fairly sure most people would be fine with seeing rules against coin-farming abuse and it's not like they can't do it already (I won't go into details here as to not promote the idea.) Just tweak the system to either detect when someone may be abusing it or prevent players from continuously facing each other.

  MasterMaeK said:
266592 this not gonna happen because then stupid kids will farm pvp coins with bots

Bots are bannable, and ladder is a way to go around this even without banning bots: a bot that always surrend is gonna be rank 0, a stupid kid can't farm much coins with this because when he wins he go up in the ladder and looses his chances to be match against his bot.

And anyway debating is pointless, surrender exists in EVERY PVP GAME, and there's no problem with this.

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

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