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Shared C between 'Main' and 'Mule' Account.


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As stated in the rules, players are allowed to have two accounts using the same email.(two accounts per one email allowed.)

I would love to do so because of the various paths through the game (Choosing a starter, Helix or Dome Fossil, and so on...) and gender.

And an idea that crossed my mind that many may disqualify is that it would be nice to have a 'double charge' for every account that uses the same email, aka - if I purchase 100 C, I'd receive it on both the characters that use the same email address. YET - I would also suggest that the items purchased with the other account would be impossible to trade and/or transfer at all. I know it might be a little bit complicated, but it would also be a great addition, as it's a little unfair that if you paid already, you have to do it twice the time with both accounts. (You already have to start your adventure all over again, isn't it enough of a pain? :P... )

To sum up, here's a list of pros and cons! :Heart:



A.Might make more people interested in buying and donating to the server.

B.Would motivate people to make an extra account with their email adress, and so keep them intrigued by the game for even a longer while.

C.Would let players try on a bigger variety of cash items, and so they.ght be interested in new items and buy more C.

D.If done as stated above, it would avoid abuse.



A.Players might share their 'mule' account.

B.Players might use it to transfer stuff to their main account


Solution to cons:

A.Likewise, players might share their main account currently if they wish, and so abuse the system as well.

What about different accounts equals different logins? The server might block that option by making only one account-per email login. (Would also avoid trade abuse)

B.As suggested above, some kind of lock for transfer for the second account. (I'm sorry, I know it might be complicated to code, but look what an amazing server you've made! I'm sure you can do that, too.)


It's all just a suggestion, and I know it might sound very silly.

But I know I'm dying and cant decide which mount to pick, and what items to buy, and would love

to have the best of both worlds, even if it's not on the same account, that's way it's fair for both of us!

Thanks in advance, sorry if it sounds really dumb. :Sing:


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