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Yesterday i bought a dratini for pvp. I ev trained it atk/spd and then up to 98 so i can still evolve it into dragonite. So i used 2 rc to get it up to 100, because normal training took too long. So i used a rc on it and nothing happend. I just thought "well its just lag thats nothing new", so i used another one. Then it jumped to lvl 100 but i only could evolve it once.

I just have screenshot after it happened because i couldnt knew something like this will happen and I dont record me leveling all my Pokemon.

Dratini before evo: https://prntscr.com/ch38rv luckely had it linked in help chat before evolving it

Dragonair lvl 100 now: https://prntscr.com/ch39x5

Dratini lvl 100 Evo: https://prntscr.com/ch3c17

Sorry for the links but in Preview i doesnt show the image so i think it the Image function doesnt work for me.


I spend 625k and a lot of time training on it so i would be really thankfull, if someone could set its level to 99 or something to allow me evolving it.

Thank you that you used your time to understand my problem.

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