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The elite 4 pokemon league battles are broken at the moment!


This is a pretty harsh sentence to write but stick with me and I will tell you why that is the case and why the e4 battles from the original pokemon games perform so much better.


Basically PRO changed 3 things on the e4 battles that made them unbalanced:


1. No money is gained after the battles.

2. No experience is gained.

3. Ingame money is not only used for consumables.


Why are those things making the e4 unbalanced?


Because there is only one single feasible way to beat it in PRO:



A level 80+ fast sweeper (Gengar, Starmie, Jynx).



All other options are laughable compared to this tactic because you simply can't afford to heal your pokemon ..... and no, I'm not talking about a heal spam during the battles.


If we imagine a full 6 pokemon team that is barely able to get through the e4, it will probably need 5 revives and 6 heals after each battle. This can easily cost you well beyond 50000 pokedollar for only one run through all fights.


A lvl 80 fast sweeper will cost you absolutely nothing because you don't need to heal or revive it.


This fact basically destroys every tactical team layout you can have. If you are not using fast sweepers you will get hit and you will have to heal after each battle. Even the greatest and strongest stallers are inferior to a fast sweeper because they are just unbearably expensive to use on your team.


On the other side it's really easy to level up a fast sweeper to lvl 80 whilst getting a balanced 6 member team with booster and staller in it takes ages to get strong enough.


This is simply not balanced. A balanced 6 member team should be able to achieve more than a single highlevel, fast sweeper. In fact a full team is more powerful but it's simply too expensive for its use in the pokemon league.



Now, people will always love their lvl 80 Gengars in the Kanto e4 because it is a failproof and easy strategy. But this is not a reason to outright banish every other playstyle because the ingame economy doesn't allow it. Spending 50000 pokedollar is huge and you are far better off spending it on something useful (a bike for instance). Healing your pokemon between the e4 battles is a waste of money since high level fast sweeper will do the fights for free.


In the originals you don't have anything else to spend your money on and you will earn a ton of it after beating the trainers. Fast sweepers are still cheaper to run but a balanced team remains feasible.




My suggestion is that after each e4 battle your whole team gets healed up so you no longer have to pay for revives outside of the battles. This would barely influence the high level fast sweepers (since they are going through it almost untouched anyways) but would finally make other teamsetups viable.


It is a shame to raise a pve team just to trash it on the gates of the e4 and get yourself a good old level 80 Gengar ....... not because you want to, but you have to.

Your whole point only for proved that it need to heal after each e4 battle, which all points is really not concern anything related to suggestion. In short, you only want to make saving the money for items in E4. As the result, you point is invalid and not reliable as not relevant. If you want more static layout, go into PvP. It is advantage of fast sweeper, which you said is nothing called is tactics. Don't tell me that you cannot using staller as need using potions is unbalance. Per E4 have weakness so if you want more tactics, seeking and abusing about it. You free using 1 pokemon for per E4 basing on the weakness of them. Even in original game, it also don't heal per E4 battle, which need to brings back up items. Also it is money sink hole feature in MMO game. Your WoT just make me think, why you write so long with the invalid and not related to your main suggestion "after each e4 battle your whole team gets healed up"?


Here is the guides you maybe want to look: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24239&start=40 and https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=25330 as I see they discussion to some alternative team also. One more thing, the PvP and PvE is different, also in PvP people also use fast sweeper. I will recommend you pass the whole story first and then focus on build PvP, it is your choice, your style. Talking about waste money for items heal and revive is very invalid in PvE/story, which these items only can use to that. PvP don't use these items. And E4 is part of PvE/story.

Isnt the point of the E4 to test your strength and bond with your pokemon? The way the E4 works is the same as every pokemon game, you either need to build a team around beating them or grind levels which in turn will give you money for those items!!!


Good luck man, i know how you feel and i had trouble against them to but we can all do it, just gotta believe


Also i want to recommend Slowbro he really helped me threw A LOT!! :Heart:




Server(s): SILVER

Thanks to Kida for the Sig :D

266739 Your whole point only for proved that it need to heal after each e4 battle, which all points is really not concern anything related to suggestion. In short, you only want to make saving the money for items in E4. As the result, you point is invalid and not reliable as not relevant. If you want more static layout, go into PvP. It is advantage of fast sweeper, which you said is nothing called is tactics. Don't tell me that you cannot using staller as need using potions is unbalance. Per E4 have weakness so if you want more tactics, seeking and abusing about it. You free using 1 pokemon for per E4 basing on the weakness of them. Even in original game, it also don't heal per E4 battle, which need to brings back up items. Also it is money sink hole feature in MMO game. Your WoT just make me think, why you write so long with the invalid and not related to your main suggestion "after each e4 battle your whole team gets healed up"?


Here is the guides you maybe want to look: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24239&start=40 and https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=25330 as I see they discussion to some alternative team also. .


The suggestion is to heal your team after each fight which is a suggestion. I can't picture how this isn't a suggestion right now?


Anyways, what I want to say here is, that a really simple change could bring diversity into the e4 fights which makes them less unbalanced. I don't want fully planned out teams to work in e4 battles but instead making other pokemon a viable option again.


It's also not about free healing and money saving since this isn't the current practice in e4 fights. There simply isn't a money drain whatsoever in the e4 since fast sweeper cut through it without getting hit.


The e4 from the originals work without healing because you don't have anything else to spend your money on unlike here in an MMO. Also you get enough money after every win so you can happily healspam all day long. This is not possible in PRO because money is not just a number.

266744 Isnt the point of the E4 to test your strength and bond with your pokemon? The way the E4 works is the same as every pokemon game, you either need to build a team around beating them or grind levels which in turn will give you money for those items!!!


Good luck man, i know how you feel and i had trouble against them to but we can all do it, just gotta believe


Also i want to recommend Slowbro he really helped me threw A LOT!! :Heart:


That is exactly the point I want to tackle. A lot of pokemon are simply not feasible in the e4 because they are slow and getting hit and need healing items for the next fight. This disqualifies them for e4 fights if you could simply get your lvl 80 Gengar and wreck things without a blink.


Also training your not fast sweeper team up takes you a much longer time than getting a fast sweeper who can do the job even better. At least for me it is no fun to crush through the e4 with level 80 pokemon since this is a guaranteed win. I first tried the Kanto e4 with lvl 65 pokemon and would have won if I wouldn't have minded the money I would loose. After the number crunching I was getting myself 2 fast sweepers and made the e4 in the first try. No interesting fights but simply "press one button for the win".


The alternative was to loose 50000 pokedollar which at that time was half of my total wealth.

i mean if you beat the e4 already i don't see the point of wanting to change it, if you need to use fast sweepers to win then that's you i personally used tanks to win xD


Also i know its expensive but its an mmo you gotta grind




Server(s): SILVER

Thanks to Kida for the Sig :D

its just like in all the old games except some stuff are need to be bought and if u dont want to spend money do like u said get gengar and sweepe the e4 easily also its no were near broken, gengar, weavile and other sweeper are just to strong and fast this why people choice them for the E4 1HKO u do it fast clean no need to waste time also its just pve building team is pointless here if u ask me unless u going for bosses wish need a couple of decent pokes cuz of lake of lvl they got god 120.... and lets not forget that this how E4 work in pretty much all pokemon games :v

if u want solid team that will recuire probebly all region unlocked so u can hunt couple of rares with high iv wish is so hard and take ages to do

this's again why people use gengar to end e4 fast finish regions start farming for ur 6 balanced team for PVP, sorry i find ur point invalid :/

267345 its just like in all the old games except some stuff are need to be bought and if u dont want to spend money do like u said get gengar and sweepe the e4 easily also its no were near broken, gengar, weavile and other sweeper are just to strong and fast this why people choice them for the E4 1HKO u do it fast clean no need to waste time also its just pve building team is pointless here if u ask me unless u going for bosses wish need a couple of decent pokes cuz of lake of lvl they got god 120.... and lets not forget that this how E4 work in pretty much all pokemon games :v

if u want solid team that will recuire probebly all region unlocked so u can hunt couple of rares with high iv wish is so hard and take ages to do

this's again why people use gengar to end e4 fast finish regions start farming for ur 6 balanced team for PVP, sorry i find ur point invalid :/


I don't want to break the "Gengar-Meta" because automatic heals after each fight won't touch it. It would only make other pokemon viable.


I try to get different team setups every time I start a new run. Using Ampharos, Yanmega, Ambipom etc. which are all not bad pokemon but simply not suitable for the e4 in PRO because of the very high healing costs they require. I really think it is a shame that I have to discard my PvE team at the gates of the e4 because I can't afford to heal them after the battles.


I don't think people always choose those fast sweepers just because they are good. A large fraction will also be conscious about the huge costs other pokemon will require so they see themselves forced into using fast sweepers.


As I said:

It would be a small change.

It wouldn't touch the current best method (high level- fast sweeper)

It would bring back a lot of variety and fun in e4 fights.

268916 As I said:

It would be a small change.

It wouldn't touch the current best method (high level- fast sweeper)

It would bring back a lot of variety and fun in e4 fights


To be honest, i can't see the fun in battling e4. Since there are no rewards in money or experience for the reasons Giovanni mentioned, nobody will battle any e4 again for the sake of fighting them, unless they have hours to waste.


I just see the e4 as a mandatory fight to unlock a new region just like Joey boss. Once you beat them, there is no reason to engage in an other fight. So yes, you can already use any team you want, 50K max of consumables (potions + revives but you can also use free sitrus berries or lum berries) per region is not a big deal. I mean, a guy with a Gengar will use around 20K for potions, a guy with a stall around 50K, not so much of a difference for a one time only.


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