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i encounter a chasey, then i cath it with a great ball. after 15mins disconnection on game happen i cant connect on the game, then after 30mins reconnect icheck my pokemon list on center chasey is missing then i check my item i lost one great ball. please help :Frown:

sorry for my grammar.

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As stated in the forum under FAQs, considering the fact that the game is still in development (early beta), disconnections and rollbacks are unfortunately inevitable. There's most likely nothing the mod/GM can do on a server-wide basis, let alone on an individual basis, for those who experienced a loss resulted thereto. Sorry for your loss and good luck :)

No, just as any other pokemon game, aside from starters (which actually can be farmed in this game iirc) and fossil pokemon (fossils can be farmed I think), you can always try your luck at another, and yet another, pokemon of the same kind :)


Good luck on your road to hunting chanseys!

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