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Darmanitan for sale.




B.O. 900k by Ronny321

Insta: 1.5m


Auction will end when bids no longer come in and I have reached a price I am comfortable selling at. The auction won't drag out if I don't get what I want I'll just take it down without selling if that happens.


Galvantula sold





Re: Epic Galvantula(30 Speed, 26 Spatk), Epic Darmanitan


<r><QUOTE author="nh0kng0kl0v3"><s>

</s><POST content="273970"><s></s>273970<e></e></POST> When finish c.o?<e>

Auctions will end when bids end. I won't drag out the auction if bids aren't what I want. I will just take it down if that happens.</r>


Re: Epic Galvantula(30 Speed, 26 Spatk), Epic Darmanitan


<r><QUOTE author="LiquidSnakeK"><s>

</s><POST content="274084"><s></s>274084<e></e></POST> 1.3m galv<e>

You have been outbid.

<QUOTE author="SiTzei"><s>

</s><POST content="274102"><s></s>274102<e></e></POST> 1.5 <e>

You have best offer at 1.5m</r>


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