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Eldra's Secret Hideout (The Luck is Real: Godly Umbreon on second safari visit, two great scythers,

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Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (Incomplete, Updated current comps section)


<r><QUOTE author="Icey"><s>

  Icey said:
</s><POST content="39931"><s></s>39931<e></e></POST> Ive got my rising badge my offer still stands if you would like<e>


Just received a similar offer today. I'm still interested in your offer but was wondering if you have anything you could substitute for your shiny slowking. Pokeyen or comps are fine with me :) Let me know, thank you!<br/>


<QUOTE author="Seibuza"><s>

  Seibuza said:
</s><POST content="39955"><s></s>39955<e></e></POST> stats of hoothoot?<br/>

and how much do you want for it?<e>



If I remember correctly stats weren't too impressive. Best offer I received in game was 60k, which is pretty close to what I have in mind.<br/>


Oops found out I'm in the wrong account. Made the other account upon finding out the IGN correlates with username. Sorry haha.</r>

Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (Incomplete, Updated current comps section)


<t>what about 100k + 3 ms medallions? if not could i have some time to sell medallions and make an all pokeyen offer, really want that shiny trode :)</t>


Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (Incomplete, Updated current comps section)


<r><QUOTE author="Icey"><s>

  Icey said:
</s><POST content="39970"><s></s>39970<e></e></POST> what about 100k + 3 ms medallions? if not could i have some time to sell medallions and make an all pokeyen offer, really want that shiny trode :)<e>


Add another 50k and deal whenever server comes back up ;P</r>

Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (Incomplete, Updated current comps section)


<r><QUOTE author="Icey"><s>

  Icey said:
</s><POST content="39972"><s></s>39972<e></e></POST> k ill have to go sell my star piece only got 142k currently lol, but im close to the guy<e>


Sounds good! Hopefully this maintenance/crash won't take another 3-4 hours lol. Knock on wood</r>

Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (Incomplete, Updated current comps section)


<t>oh wait my coin purchase didnt go through... i guess i have to wait till they sort that. maybe crash had something to do with that</t>


Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (Incomplete, Updated current comps section)


<t>No problem, we got time xD<br/>



Edit: Shiny Electrode sold for 3ms + 150k. Thanks a lot Icey ;)<br/>

God of Toxic Spikes added, this one I'm 95% certain that I won't be selling, since it's beyond usable even as a normal poke with perfect nature, perfect ivs to set up toxic spikes/stealth rock/eq/poison STAB. Helloooo UU!</t>

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