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BUG MT summer npc


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274555 https://prnt.sc/cl6mwj

Most of npcs can't see you through walls so this shouldn't too

He just saw you 1 meter upper and, due to his Magma Grunt condition, had to fight you. He hasn't got x-ray vision, just...



Great metagame exposition, Marcy, but Victor does have a tenable point; there is reasonable positionality there to believe that they wouldn't fall within the NPC's auto-approaching eyeshot. :P When the game is immersive enough for a player, it's natural for them to be mesmerized by the metagame mentality wherein they forget it's just a programmed game and thus they expect realistic boundaries within it; that is the case here, since he expected the ledge to occlude the NPC.


Amended the Magma Grunt's line of sight so that it won't approach players on the ledge anymore. Even if the issue may seem trivial, the fact is that players have a right to sidestep what NPCs the map allows them to if they do not wish to battle and thus we need to consider grounds where they reasonably feel they can avert the NPC, such as here.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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