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Gengar: Timid

Atk - 30

DEF - 6

SPD - 25

SPATK - 29

SPDEF - 22

HP - 3


252 spatk / 252 spatk


Dragonite / Adament

Atk - 18

DEF - 27

SPD - 17

SPATK - 26

SPDEF - 31

HP - 14


252 speed / 252 atk



Milotic / Bold

Atk - 12

DEF - 27

SPD - 10


SPDEF - 27

HP - 16


252 hp/252 def/6 spd


Rhyperior / Adament

Atk - 12

DEF - 31

SPD - 12

SPATK - 16

SPDEF - 21

HP - 16


252 atk/ 252 def/ 4hp

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