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Journeymen Guild (Yellow Server)


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  • We in the Journeymen Guild strive to gain the most out of our experiences in PRO.
    We want to capitalize on the wealth, Prestige and Spirit of Adventure that this game has to offer!
    We want to add more value to your PRO experience :)


We want to build a home (in-game.. real life homes are expensive)! :

One where valid information is easily and readily accessible.

One that takes care of its members and grows them into professional PRO players.

Where a diversely interactive and beneficial aspects of the game are created and emphasized.


[glow=red]Our rules:[/glow]

Respect the opinions and beliefs of fellow members.

Be courteous in your ways especially with members.

Follow the rules of PRO above all else.

Be patient with other members.

Mind your language, we are NOT an 18+ guild, take care not to negatively influence younger members of the guild.

Do not bring the guild into disrepute by disobeying the above rules, using bots/scripts, scamming players or being disrespectful to people in public chats etc.


[glow=orange]We would like you to:[/glow]

Ask for advice when you need it.

Interact with each other rather than keep to yourself.

Give recommendations as to how we can improve the guild if and when you feel the need.

Enjoy yourself.


*** The Journeymen Guild may require you to undertake a series of tasks before experiencing the full benefits of the guild ***


What we offer:

*** still working on this part :P ***

[glow=pink]~Thank you for taking the time to read this! Have a lovely day :)~[/glow]

[glow=black]Just finding my way through life... ( both of them :D ).[/glow]

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