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why try hard for finish Top1 and have the same reward that the 25 ?

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I'm F**** Ungry.... Shane says that the first will have a title and something unique. But none.

Are u kinding us ????

We try hard for nothing !!!! why try hard and play this game if the top 1 have the same reward that the top25???????????????


plz stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



No announcement for the end of the saison, lot of bug still here after lot of report.....


STOP KINDING US !!!!!!!!!!



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278929 I'm F**** Ungry.... Shane says that the first will have a title and something unique. But none.

Are u kinding us ????

We try hard for nothing !!!! why try hard and play this game if the top 1 have the same reward that the top25???????????????


plz stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



No announcement for the end of the saison, lot of bug still here after lot of report.....


STOP KINDING US !!!!!!!!!!



[glow=red]Meus Alas[/glow]


Dont be mad bro xD I understand ur feeling :Crazy:

3 times ranked 1 (and maybe last season is my 4th coz I don't know the final result) but I still have nothing special. Pls be patient in next seasons :)

Shane is too busy with many stuff (coding game, handle bot-user, etc.). So don't rush him :) Just enjoy the game and wait ^.^ He will reply u soon :Angel:


Btw, rmb, this game is fan-made :Crazy:

278929 I'm F**** Ungry.... Shane says that the first will have a title and something unique. But none.

Are u kinding us ????

We try hard for nothing !!!! why try hard and play this game if the top 1 have the same reward that the top25???????????????


plz stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



No announcement for the end of the saison, lot of bug still here after lot of report.....


STOP KINDING US !!!!!!!!!!





Hello, first of all, pg is a must both in game and in the forums, even censured isnt acceptable. Second, there is no need to spam.

Now of to the things that you want to ear, as you know this game is still in beta, things happen, you might get your extra reward on a day you less expect, you can see the pvp notifications in the pvp section of the forum.

Patience is key and i think you should work on it by what we can see from your test.


Best of luck for your future.




well i'm just asking for some logic. It is so hard to understand ? 1=/=25

Just a little thing and i will be happy, a MS perhaps? some more coins for the top 3 ?

I don't know but this is not very hard to improve.....

279162 well i'm just asking for some logic. It is so hard to understand ? 1=/=25

Just a little thing and i will be happy, a MS perhaps? some more coins for the top 3 ?

I don't know but this is not very hard to improve.....


Hello again, i forgot to tell you bue congratulations for being at a high rank in the pvp ladder.

You might not know but staff doesnt get any money from this game, because of that, the staff normally has jobs or studying to do, this takes at least 8h per day away for them to work on the game, and not all the staff works on the pvp/content/coding/development, this is why things are slow...that might be a logic you are looking for i guess.

Once again ill tell you to be patient.




279162 well i'm just asking for some logic. It is so hard to understand ? 1=/=25

Just a little thing and i will be happy, a MS perhaps? some more coins for the top 3 ?

I don't know but this is not very hard to improve.....


Hello again, i forgot to tell you bue congratulations for being at a high rank in the pvp ladder.

You might not know but staff doesnt get any money from this game, because of that, the staff normally has jobs or studying to do, this takes at least 8h per day away for them to work on the game, and not all the staff works on the pvp/content/coding/development, this is why things are slow...that might be a logic you are looking for i guess.

Once again ill tell you to be patient.


I understand that the staff doesn't won money from this game and have job and family, but this is not a reason for abandon the pvp section. Ok now we have coins its very cool, but i think its not a hard work to differentiate the top3 from the top 25. Just give a little thing and i would be happy. Do u see how many player are online this time ? I just ask a little reward to make us want to keep playing... This is very frustrating...

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