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Grindfest Limits PRO's Potential



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280443 I dont know about you, but I PvP to win, winning = fun, so therefore why would i then use a pokemon that isnt using its optimum movepools/stat distributions, im sorry if I sound harsh but that is stupid and you should feel bad.


People seem to forget that PRO is a work in progress. That means things will get done. it's just a matter of time.

Pretty narrow minded comment to say the least. Seeing it come from an administrator is the worst part. I wouldn't have imagined a suggestion to be labelled "stupid" by a staff member. "I don't think the same way you do, so your thought is stupid" isn't a valid answer to anything in today's world, I hope you realize that along with the fact that you're the one who should be feeling bad for such a poor response. Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended at all, it's just disappointing.


Winning surely is fun, but it's very likely you'll get bored of repeating the same thing over and over again. This could be different for some people of course, and since I have respect for what they think is "fun" & I am not going to judge them for it, I won't call them stupid. Besides, there are many people who aren't playing PRO just for competitive PvP. As I have said in my original post, there are also collectors, shiny hunters and more to name. Trying out silly Pokemon builds is another very valid way of having fun in Pokemon and although you don't seem to agree with it, there are considerable numbers of players on OR/AS WiFi battles as well as Showdown with these sorts of builds. What's wrong or stupid with having fun outside of ranked battles?


I have not forgotten that PRO is a WIP. If I did, I would've included the addition of missing items, moves, abilities etc. in my OP. I totally appreciate the efforts of everyone who's involved in the making of this game, and I understand that all these people have lives outside of PRO. And in my post, I have not asked for anything to be done "right now", I just explained my thoughts and asked for others' thoughts including those who disagree.


p.s. Sorry for the late reply, I always use the "new posts" link on the forum and didn't realize I had a reply to my thread.

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280443 I dont know about you, but I PvP to win, winning = fun, so therefore why would i then use a pokemon that isnt using its optimum movepools/stat distributions, im sorry if I sound harsh but that is stupid and you should feel bad.


People seem to forget that PRO is a work in progress. That means things will get done. it's just a matter of time.


this an appalling statement for a person who is "staff". How can you call something else stupid just because you dont find it fun? What the op is saying is, people get bored of using the same old poke in the same old way all the time. So, like he said, "just for fun" sometimes you want to try unorthodox builds different sets that normally would seem ridiculous and may not even work but still, you are trying something new and theres always a little adventure in anything thats new. This isnt meant to win, its meant to detract from the limited number of poke and builds that they use in the current meta , for the sake of simply trying something new, for fun. Just because you only pvp to win, and you find that fun, doesnt give you any right to label what other people might find fun as stupid. Extremely disappointing to say the least...


To the OP, i get what you're saying, but its unlikely that much will change in this department as the longer it takes to catch (considering rarity, nature, ability), ev train, lvl up a poke in PRO, the better it is for the survival of the game. Maybe in the future we could have a battle tower where we can create teams to battle with for that moment only, but its a far fetched idea and even if we do get battle tower, it would probably mean using what ever poke we have trained ourselves only. But at least that would offer something different to plain old pvp.

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To the OP, i get what you're saying, but its unlikely that much will change in this department as the longer it takes to catch (considering rarity, nature, ability), ev train, lvl up a poke in PRO, the better it is for the survival of the game. Maybe in the future we could have a battle tower where we can create teams to battle with for that moment only, but its a far fetched idea and even if we do get battle tower, it would probably mean using what ever poke we have trained ourselves only. But at least that would offer something different to plain old pvp.

Fair point, this way is probably better to keep the interest for longer periods of time. I also just want to clarify that I'm not against the current rarity, nature and ability mechanics, I believe everything regarding those is as they should be. Though I still think EV training and especially leveling could be a lot more friendly to help those who may want to PvP just for fun and without putting any thought into where they will be placed in the ladder. And I believe this could also help with the longevity of the game, adding a different aspect to the game.


And thanks for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate it.

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284442 I have to agree. I like to win. Winning = I laugh in someone's face for losing to me. lol Nuff said :Cool:

Fair enough, but the thing is, I haven't said anything against that in any of my posts. I have only suggested that with more friendly training mechanics, there could be an additional aspect to the game which wouldn't hurt anyone and help those who don't just PvP competitively to hang around in the game for longer.

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Guys you going to have to get used to the honesty of the staff. Though feedback is always appreciated and should be reflected upon.


Honesty, it's kinda true that the game is quite a hard and boring grind though the reason of it being so is because of the fact that as a MMO, grinding is somewhat an upmost importance in which, if removed, would just make the experience of training your pokemon that you have traded for or catched a bit bland in my taste (though could agree that's my opinion) and would be more boring to not have much to do.


Though it doesn't mean new input and more activities to lessen or make grinding more of enjoyable experience wouldn't be accepted, but at the end, that's the management job of choice and not mines.


Nice suggestion though.

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284659 using a pokemon in a wrong way doesn't sound good to me. Bringing out the best of your beloved pokemons is my main goal in this game. Using them in a funny way is a heartless deed. :Cry:

Bringing out the best of our Pokemon is definitely (for most) the main goal and that's why I've been talking about "adding a different aspect" to PvP. Not replacing it. However, I don't agree with your "heartless deed" comment :Grin: It's just for fun, Pokemon are there to serve us in the end, right? :Smile:

284677 Guys you going to have to get used to the honesty of the staff. Though feedback is always appreciated and should be reflected upon.


Honesty, it's kinda true that the game is quite a hard and boring grind though the reason of it being so is because of the fact that as a MMO, grinding is somewhat an upmost importance in which, if removed, would just make the experience of training your pokemon that you have traded for or catched a bit bland in my taste (though could agree that's my opinion) and would be more boring to not have much to do.


Though it doesn't mean new input and more activities to lessen or make grinding more of enjoyable experience wouldn't be accepted, but at the end, that's the management job of choice and not mines.


Nice suggestion though.

Everyone should be as honest as they can be, not just staff, I'm all for it. But honesty shouldn't be mistaken with having the freedom to say anything you want. It should involve respect.


Anyway, I see the point you're making and I don't disagree with it at all. I'm aware of the fact that PRO is an MMO and how an MMO should be. That's one of the main reasons I'm playing this game and not Showdown or another online Pokemon game with breeding, because I like the challenge. And that is exactly the reason why I did not suggest that grinding should be removed, I just believe EV training and especially leveling should be more friendly, i.e. should take less time, to enable different aspects become more meaningful/possible.


It was great to read your thoughts about this suggestion, thanks for taking the time to contribute in this thread.

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