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Grindfest Limits PRO's Potential



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Well when it comes to EV Training......it could be make more funner as how the new handhelds did it but at the end, with digital constraints and probably a lot of coding work, the chances of that changing is a bit questionable. Though who knows, maybe Shane could probably have an ace up his sleeve as a creative Owner.

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284722 Well when it comes to EV Training......it could be make more funner as how the new handhelds did it but at the end, with digital constraints and probably a lot of coding work, the chances of that changing is a bit questionable. Though who knows, maybe Shane could probably have an ace up his sleeve as a creative Owner.


I totally agree with every statement Piine, and Thor has said so far. And other players. This is specifically a MMO, removing the grind will lose players at a higher rate in my opinion. It retains attention, you feel 10x better when your done hunting/leveling a hard poke. Than completing it in 10 mins. I personally don't agree with you, for my good reasons. And you disagree for yours.



Server: Silver



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284722 Well when it comes to EV Training......it could be make more funner as how the new handhelds did it but at the end, with digital constraints and probably a lot of coding work, the chances of that changing is a bit questionable. Though who knows, maybe Shane could probably have an ace up his sleeve as a creative Owner.


I don't know much about coding myself, but I guess it would be possible to implement these judging by what's already in the game. Though they may actually take too long to code, would probably not be their priority. This is more of a discussion though, I wouldn't mind if it took them a year to make these changes, should they find them reasonable.

I totally agree with every statement Piine, and Thor has said so far. And other players. This is specifically a MMO, removing the grind will lose players at a higher rate in my opinion. It retains attention, you feel 10x better when your done hunting/leveling a hard poke. Than completing it in 10 mins. I personally don't agree with you, for my good reasons. And you disagree for yours.

You have every right to disagree and I'm more than happy to read opposing thoughts as they widen my perspective. But, I'm not okay with people persistently taking what they read the wrong way and putting words in my mouth (not implying it's intentional, but it gets tiring for me). I have never said that grinding should be removed. I just believe that currently it's very limiting in a way that training Pokemon other than those that will be used for the story and/or in ranked PvP is pointless due to the excessive amount of time it takes. What I think is, grinding (EVs and especially leveling) should be more friendly to help players find the opportunity to train and test out Pokemon which they normally wouldn't, and have fun doing so.


I honestly believe most people don't use more than 20-25 fully leveled Pokemon for battling (this is just a guess, not based on any statistics) in a game with around 150 (?) fully evolved Pokemon because there's no need to. They would much rather hunt/PvP/etc. instead of training a Modest Machamp, or even just a Jolly Beedrill because training takes way too much for us to try out every Pokemon.


In my opinion, the PvP aspect of the game is too plain. Now I can't force or ask anyone to try out new/unconventional Pokemon builds, but I'm sure there are people like me who want to take a break from competitive PvP and have fun with non-ranked battles where they can use uncommon (battling wise) Pokemon or builds. But, repeating the main point of this thread, it takes way longer than it should and discourages us to do so.


Battling shouldn't be limited to 25 Pokemon in a game with ~300 Pokemon. I know that the game doesn't put this limit, but the current mechanics leads to it.

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284803 Battling shouldn't be limited to 25 Pokemon in a game with ~300 Pokemon. I know that the game doesn't put this limit, but the current mechanics leads to it.


The current game mechanics do not limit you in any such way notable. Its a grind, and the grind is the same for every pokemon. Some require more dedication, or hours. But they all end up at the same place. If you want to use a normally not used pokemon, go head! But it may take longer than say a over used pokemon. Be ready for a struggle if it isen't mainstream, being normal is easy. But being unique takes a bit, but you'll all end up at the same place.



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There's always going to be bad pokemon and good pokemon, it's intended and even if they make 500 pokemon they're making 250 out of those 500 bad tier.

I agree with you, the grind is insane and it should be reduced somehow, although, it should be reduced as a reward(I.e: Beating some new kind of e4 will unlock you a faster way to Ev train) so you'll have to grind to beat those in order to reduce your own grind.

Pvp aspect is plain because the game is a Wip and doesn't have a lot of features that would increase the variety of pvp pokemon(Items, moves, 2v2, etc)

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284803 Battling shouldn't be limited to 25 Pokemon in a game with ~300 Pokemon. I know that the game doesn't put this limit, but the current mechanics leads to it.


The current game mechanics do not limit you in any such way notable. Its a grind, and the grind is the same for everyone pokemon. Some require more dedication, or hours. But they all end up at the same place. If you want to use a normally not used pokemon, go head! But it may take longer than say a over used pokemon. Be ready for a struggle if it isen't mainstream, being normal is easy. But being unique takes a bit, but you'll all end up at the same place.

And what I'm saying is the game should help those who want to have at least 1 of every (fully evolved at least) Pokemon at level 100, like me. I'm not asking for it just for me, but for anyone else who's in the same boat and of course those who would jump in that boat, should the changes be made.


However, I wouldn't have much to say if you think it would be ineffective since the players who think this way are a minority and the suggested changes would do more harm then good. I'd see it reasonable and fair, but wouldn't agree with it.


Thanks for your input and a good discussion, I appreciate it.

284809 There's always going to be bad pokemon and good pokemon, it's intended and even if they make 500 pokemon they're making 250 out of those 500 bad tier.

I agree with you, the grind is insane and it should be reduced somehow, although, it should be reduced as a reward(I.e: Beating some new kind of e4 will unlock you a faster way to Ev train) so you'll have to grind to beat those in order to reduce your own grind.

Pvp aspect is plain because the game is a Wip and doesn't have a lot of features that would increase the variety of pvp pokemon(Items, moves, 2v2, etc)

That's a pretty good idea! I wouldn't mind if Power Items were boss rewards and were given one at a time. Would probably be better if they were untradeable as well but I'm not very sure.


The missing features definitely result in PvP being more plain, but what I think is that it's plain because PvP is all about winning. If I asked some players if they would use a team consisting of; let's say Raticate, Arbok, Beedrill, Rapidash, Dewgong and Dodrio or any 6 below average Pokemon, most people would say "no". Because it's ineffective for them to train or pay for the training of these Pokemon, it simply takes too much time/$. If the grind was more friendly, we would probably get "no"s again but I'm sure we'd end up with more "yes"es compared to before. I'm quite sleepy at the moment, I hope you get what I mean. :Crazy:

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Guest SugarRed9

I think it's hard to improve pvp atm because we are missing so many items/moves/abilities.


I'd honestly rather those moves/items/abillities prioritized to increase the current pvp viability. I get what you are saying, but I don't understand why you would want to use unoptimal things like physical alakazam. It sounds pretty trolly and fun, but that is why we have unranked pvp to try different things :)


In any competitive game only a small % of characters are viable. Highly competitive people are going to spam that small percentage of characters to win :) It's not that training takes to much time, it's more of a matter that special attack raticate isn't good. If I want to be the best, why would I use suboptimal pokemon in ranked pvp? I would probably in a friendly match, but if I'm trying real hard I'm going to go with what has the best win %.


As for the grind, it's really not that bad granted you have ms, you can make a lot of money while training. The new guild exp boost is really helpful too :) As a daycarer, I really find the grind pretty simple as long as I know the right spots to train, but maybe that's just me^^ For catching pokemon, I feel like it's pretty fair, sometimes you have good luck and other times bad^^

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284849 I think it's hard to improve pvp atm because we are missing so many items/moves/abilities.


I'd honestly rather those moves/items/abillities prioritized to increase the current pvp viability. I get what you are saying, but I don't understand why you would want to use unoptimal things like physical alakazam. It sounds pretty trolly and fun, but that is why we have unranked pvp to try different things :)


In any competitive game only a small % of characters are viable. Highly competitive people are going to spam that small percentage of characters to win :) It's not that training takes to much time, it's more of a matter that special attack raticate isn't good. If I want to be the best, why would I use suboptimal pokemon in ranked pvp? I would probably in a friendly match, but if I'm trying real hard I'm going to go with what has the best win %.


As for the grind, it's really not that bad granted you have ms, you can make a lot of money while training. The new guild exp boost is really helpful too :) As a daycarer, I really find the grind pretty simple as long as I know the right spots to train, but maybe that's just me^^ For catching pokemon, I feel like it's pretty fair, sometimes you have good luck and other times bad^^

I'm not quite talking about improving current PvP mechanics, it's more about adding another aspect by making grinding easier.


And as you said, it sounds trolly and !!!FUN!!! No one in their right mind would opt to use Special Raticate while there are way more viable options. Also my suggestion doesn't have anything to do with using these sorts of Pokemon in ranked-PvP. I, personally, wouldn't use any of these myself. Non ranked PvPs are still bland in my opinion and the required grind leads to it is what I think.



You may of course disagree with that, and you already have by calling it "not that bad". But, to me it feels pretty bad, especially the leveling.


Also, I just wanted to ask a question. Since you're a daycarer your answers would be more reliable. How long does it take to train, let's say a Lvl 20 Scyther to 100 with EV training (2 max EVs)? And how long is the same thing for let's say Bulbasaur, a Pokemon that requires less Exp?

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