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I was battling the kadabra i caught today. actually 10 mins ago.


i swapped from my leader to stantler (frisk ability) so as to hypnosis the kadabra and catch it.


kadabra used an ability which copies my ability, hence it coppied frisk.


i capture the kadabra..


i go to my pc and check the kadabra. the kadabra has frisk ability!!!! which is not in his 3 abilities. is this intended???


thanks for ur time


Kerv :p

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kadabra used an ability which copies my ability, hence it coppied frisk.

i capture the kadabra..

i go to my pc and check the kadabra. the kadabra has frisk ability!!!! which is not in his 3 abilities. is this intended???


O.o Oh my, you might have discovered a bug there? XD

Can you maybe take a screenshot

(print screen key, put it in Paint, cut, save, upload to any image uploading website

(imgur - postimg - tinypic )) , then post it here with raw%20img%20url ?

Or did it maybe go away after a relog? (not sure how this works here xD)

Sounds like something that should be fixed before someone abuses it, especially for PVP xD

Can you try to use the same attack on a Wild Poke as well? Role Play should be the name.

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279665 I was battling the kadabra i caught today. actually 10 mins ago.


i swapped from my leader to stantler (frisk ability) so as to hypnosis the kadabra and catch it.


kadabra used an ability which copies my ability, hence it coppied frisk.


i capture the kadabra..


i go to my pc and check the kadabra. the kadabra has frisk ability!!!! which is not in his 3 abilities. is this intended???


thanks for ur time


Kerv :p


It is a known glitch many people use it to check the nature of a pokemon before the capture, when you relog the ablity of alakazam/kadabra get fixed.

You can use it when you want to farm pokemons with specific ablities, you use role play and see the "new" ability of your kadabra then you can decide to throw a pokeball or run away.

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279665 I was battling the kadabra i caught today. actually 10 mins ago.


i swapped from my leader to stantler (frisk ability) so as to hypnosis the kadabra and catch it.


kadabra used an ability which copies my ability, hence it coppied frisk.


i capture the kadabra..


i go to my pc and check the kadabra. the kadabra has frisk ability!!!! which is not in his 3 abilities. is this intended???


thanks for ur time


Kerv :p


That its a glitch that is here for some time now, you just need to heal your kadabra and it will be fine :D

Gl for ur kadabra be timid 31-31 h.a. :P




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