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Binacle and Barbaracle missing Shell smash move


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I read on pokedexdb and bulbapedia that binacle and barbaracle also learn Shell smash at lv1 but ingame we dont have it. Is it a missing code or just the developer intend to do so? That's the most important move that make me hunted Binacle in the Vulcan event :(

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281173 I read on pokedexdb and bulbapedia that binacle and barbaracle also learn Shell smash at lv1 but ingame we dont have it. Is it a missing code or just the developer intend to do so? That's the most important move that make me hunted Binacle in the Vulcan event :(

That's already been reported; unfortunately, some pokémons don't have their move list updated yet, but they will be eventually, just be patient and keep an eye on the downloads and update logs thread, Shane would probably post there to inform us if some moves have been added, just like he did for Moonblast

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281173 I read on pokedexdb and bulbapedia that binacle and barbaracle also learn Shell smash at lv1 but ingame we dont have it. Is it a missing code or just the developer intend to do so? That's the most important move that make me hunted Binacle in the Vulcan event :(


Missing moves are covered in the read this before making a general support topic thread


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