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Can´t finish the event


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After i helped team aqua and went through mt summer I defeated the team magma leader. After that I spoke to the aqua grunt who gave me the orb but then the server crashed/shut downed and i lost the orb and the npc´s disappeared. Now i cant finish the event could somebody help me, please?

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281518 After i helped team aqua and went through mt summer I defeated the team magma leader. After that I spoke to the aqua grunt who gave me the orb but then the server crashed/shut downed and i lost the orb and the npc´s disappeared. Now i cant finish the event could somebody help me, please?


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281518 After i helped team aqua and went through mt summer I defeated the team magma leader. After that I spoke to the aqua grunt who gave me the orb but then the server crashed/shut downed and i lost the orb and the npc´s disappeared. Now i cant finish the event could somebody help me, please?

The orb isn't visible in your bag. Just put it in the sacred stone which is located in one of the chambers (random).

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