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Pokemon for Sale (Scyther, Shellder, Shroomish etc) + Syncs (all regions, kadabra, high lvl)

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Re: Pokemon for sale + Syncs (includes all regions, kadabra, high level)


<r><QUOTE author="LazyPanda69"><s>

</s><POST content="291011"><s></s>291011<e></e></POST> i buy bold kadabra sync 48k<e>


Add or message me ingame - when will you be on?</r>

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Re: Pokemon for sale + Syncs (includes all regions, kadabra, high level)


<r><QUOTE author="karcaroth"><s>

</s><POST content="291034"><s></s>291034<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="LazyPanda69"><s>
</s><POST content="291011"><s></s>291011<e></e></POST> i buy bold kadabra sync 48k<e>


Add or message me ingame - when will you be on?<e>


later around 8 p.m. est</r>

Guest lampshadejaz

Re: Pokemon for sale + Syncs (includes all regions, kadabra, high level)


<r><QUOTE author="karcaroth"><s>

</s><POST content="291034"><s></s>291034<e></e></POST>





Is the 31 speed Jolly Gible still available? I'd like to buy for insta 580k.</r>

Re: Pokemon for sale + Syncs (includes all regions, kadabra, high level)


<r><QUOTE author="lampshadejaz"><s>

</s><POST content="291068"><s></s>291068<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="karcaroth"><s>
</s><POST content="291034"><s></s>291034<e></e></POST>





Is the 31 speed Jolly Gible still available? I'd like to buy for insta 580k.<e>



yes it is, look for me ingame</r>

Re: Pokemon for sale (Scyther, Klefki, Shellder, Shroomish etc) + Syncs (includes all regions, kadabra, high level)


<t>Hello karcaroth, i would like to buy:<br/>

shroomish 1a for 115 k<br/>

forretress for 400 k<br/>

ferroseed 1a for 100 k<br/>

i consider this to be good prices and i hope you can accept my proposition, if u accept it will be 615 k for 3 pokemon.<br/>

Thank you for your time and have a nice day, RubenHidalgo</t>

Re: Pokemon for sale (Scyther, Klefki, Shellder, Shroomish etc) + Syncs (includes all regions, kadabra, high level)


<t>i want to buy bergmite</t>



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